Monday, December 30, 2013

not dead

December has been an extraordinarily busy month for me. It was my biggest month on Etsy, and that combined with the overhaul that is retail leading up to christmas, I've been to busy to update! I don't have much to update on, however. My parents were able to come up for a few days around christmas, but unfortunately I was sick the whole time (and still am. I think at this point, the first cold has morphed into a second one). On christmas day, we went to a screening of a handful of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes, and it was honestly one of the best christmases in memory! They had free chinese food too, but I didn't get up fast enough before some of the other people got seconds... and fourths. Oh well, it was super fun anyway. I will leave you over the new year with the finest film we we watched, MITCHELL (1975), for your viewing pleasure .

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Over the past three days I've had a big upswing in orders on etsy, and I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who supports my etsy shop!  I've had a large growth over the past year in sales, and while I may not have huge numbers, to me every order is big! It's very exciting and rewarding to know that people like the things that I make enough to spend money on them. So, thanks again to everyone who supports my crafts and encourages me! Sometimes I'm not very good at accepting compliments, but I really do take them to heart, and appreciate everything anyone says.