Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Barbeque Accessories-Free Father's Day: A Gift Guide

Father's Day is this Sunday (I realized, like a day ago), and so every commercial website has been offering a gift guide to help out with buying your dad something he really doesn't want. I was casually scrolling through Amazon's offerings, and honestly there was nothing I could even remotely think about buying for my dad. Coming from a line of weirdos, and having a reputation of terrible gift-giving to uphold (I once gave an industrial sized vat of ketchup as a gift), power tools, jogging vests and FitBits certainly are not going to cut it.  I mean, this was legitimately on the list:

no one truly rides for free

So, here's a father's day gift guide if you, like me, were begat by hill people who have more than one Lawrence Welk themed tin tray (that I have bought him).

via BigBangBooks
Midcentury educational texts on a variety of useless subjects, like Rock Collecting, television repair or raising badgers always rank high.

via ToysNWhatnot
 I was looking on Ebay for the actual Major Matt Mason  dolls action figures, only to find out they are worth a metric s-ton, so here's a novelization instead.

via Speedstarerik

Hell, even the box on this thing looks great. 

via SoftMachines

Don't have six grand to drop on a real Minimoog? These German pillows are second best! 

via mtva2184

Smokey Bear + milk glass mug = ultimate fire prevention

via VeeJaysVintage
It's a tray, it's from the 70s, it's advertising a broadcast station in a place I've never been to- the dream.

Even this goat knows you should see this movie, and he's a goat.

If you're not into Father's Day, celebrate Brian Wilson's birthday (the 20th) this weekend and see Love & Mercy if it's in your town. DO IT. IT IS SO GOOD. Anyone who knows me knows I don't see movies in the theater, but this one is so worth the assholes who brought their small child and let him dump his drink all over.  It's release happened to coincide with me starting to really get back into this band about six months ago, it was KISMET.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

typical nonsense

I was intending to write a post between yesterday and today, but wound up falling asleep early and waking up feeling terrible. So, instead, I pop in briefly to leave you a photo of Stuart Sutcliffe rocking the midriff top/leather pants look.  I'm hoping to update soon this week.