Sunday, October 27, 2013

Velvet Raccoons

After taking my computer back in, it's looking like it is a motherboard issue. The repair place is looking at it just in case it's not that, and I will know by the end of the week, but most likely I will be looking at having to get a new laptop. I'm just hoping that my phone has no issues between now and the time I am able to have a computer again! It's been acting up ever since I accidentally updated to the new operating system. Damn it!

I have a back log of things I want to post about, but it's really hard to do so on my phone! As a peace offering, please accept this beyond amazing velvet painting I found for five dollars.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Stuffie Billie Holiday, dead computer

Quick post to say my computer is still dead, but I've listed a new stuffie! Yay!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Brief Programming Note

Here's the deal: 
My computer ate it hard, and I have to take it into a repair shop. Due to the holiday weekend, I most likely won't be able to get it in until Tuesday, and I have no idea how long it will take, so I will be unable to update for I have no idea how long.  
Everything's the worst!!

I really hope they are able to repair it and that it won't be too expensive! Argh! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Thanks Obamacare!

While many people are weirdly angry about the affordable care act going through, I couldn't be happier.  Maybe it's because I'm a  self-absorbed, lazy, no good, doesn't know the sting of a hard day's work  millennial, but for the first time in years, I am able to get heath insurance! Which means, I'm able to go to the optometrist and finally get glasses after needing them for at least five years!

In celebration, I've been creeping around the internet, browsing frame options, and am posting some of my favorites here.

These would look terrible on me, but I think they are hilarious anyway. Also, I'd be going for the 1930s kooky secretary look, while the rest of the world only would see "HARRY POTTER AHHH", which no.

all from




These are my favorite, but at over $100, that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.