Friday, March 29, 2013

Midweek Wrap Up, Wrap Wrap Wrap Up (Midweek Favorites)

Midweek, end-of-week, potato, potahto.

I read this at work and couldn't handle it.

Law of the Landscape flats from Modcloth. They are half-way to spats, and 75% more acceptable for daily wear.

Lady Ties by flappergirl on etsy! Just putting it out there that this would go great with spats.

Why is it so damn hard to find actual spats? Clearly this something I need in my life, and "steampunk" has nothing to do with it. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

blah blah blah

I had a job interview today, and it's times like these I wish I lived in a society that thought it was acceptable to speak to people via whiteboard.  I am a thousand percent better at presenting myself in writing. When speaking, I tend to get ahead of myself, talk in circles, gesture unnecessarily and forget what the hell my point is half way through. I envy those who can get their verbal shit together. A+ to you.

Textual communications- the number one reason  I'd choose no other era to be alive than the present. That and penicillin. And pre-shredded cheese.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

And I hope that I DIE HYEAAAAAH (Midweek Favorites)

One of my favorite things about reading other people's blogs is when they have a "weekly round up" type thing where they post their favorite finds of the week. It's a bit like Oprah's  My Favorite Things episode, only weekly instead of yearly, and minus the shrieks of middle-aged women. They are  usually posted the same day weekly and  have catchy names  like "Friday Faves" or "Things I Love Thursday" or something like that, but I am neither organized or dedicated enough to make sure it lands on the same day each week, and if we were being honest, "Things I Find When I Should be Doing Something Productive" is a shit title if ever I saw one, so we're going to have to go with the semi-lame (or very depending on who you ask, I suppose) "Midweek Favorites".

Holmes Sweater
Sherlock Series 3 started filming on Monday, with, from what I've heard, a Christmastime release goal! AHH!

This Mighty Boosh Mod Wolves illustration by megsaysyum on tumblr! I'd hang this on my wall in a hot second.


I finally got on the Downton Abbey bandwagon, and with only the first series available on Netflix, it was like Sherlock all over again. WHY PBS WHY. Never fear, I found Downton Sixbey from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon instead.  It won't let me embed, so click the x for the video. 

Absences, Unexcused

Here I am, trying to get a regular blog going, and my keybard has to crap out in me in a semi-real way. I dumped coffee on it about nine months back and now it sporadically acts as if a cat is walking on it. I can usually work some trickery on it, but as of late, that hasn't been working long term enough to type! 
I'm hoping it'll be up and running today and I can get back to (or start, anyway) posting regularly!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

here we are

I’ve been blogging, more or less, on different platforms for years now.  Starting with the build-your-own-website class I took back in the Wild West days of the internet (ok,  in fifth grade)  where I made a page dedicated to my dog, then graduating to livejournals and  wordpresses that get abandoned after six monhs, I’ve recently been itching to get back to the more writing-centric style of blog that this format offers. Don’t get me wrong!  I haven’t abandoned the endless scroll, log on to just check one thing, snap out of content-induced coma 48 hours later lifeblood that is Tumblr, but over the past year it’s become slowly devoted just to fandom reblogs, which is a perfectly fine, and dare I say, needed outlet to save those around me the constant and inevitable “Oh you know on this one episode of 30 Rock…” spew  that otherwise dominates my attempts to communicate.

Anyway, since this is the first post, here’s a jazzy little “about me” slew of images for your at-a-glance viewing pleasure.

British Quiz Shows
Weekend Update
Portland, OR