Thursday, March 21, 2013

And I hope that I DIE HYEAAAAAH (Midweek Favorites)

One of my favorite things about reading other people's blogs is when they have a "weekly round up" type thing where they post their favorite finds of the week. It's a bit like Oprah's  My Favorite Things episode, only weekly instead of yearly, and minus the shrieks of middle-aged women. They are  usually posted the same day weekly and  have catchy names  like "Friday Faves" or "Things I Love Thursday" or something like that, but I am neither organized or dedicated enough to make sure it lands on the same day each week, and if we were being honest, "Things I Find When I Should be Doing Something Productive" is a shit title if ever I saw one, so we're going to have to go with the semi-lame (or very depending on who you ask, I suppose) "Midweek Favorites".

Holmes Sweater
Sherlock Series 3 started filming on Monday, with, from what I've heard, a Christmastime release goal! AHH!

This Mighty Boosh Mod Wolves illustration by megsaysyum on tumblr! I'd hang this on my wall in a hot second.


I finally got on the Downton Abbey bandwagon, and with only the first series available on Netflix, it was like Sherlock all over again. WHY PBS WHY. Never fear, I found Downton Sixbey from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon instead.  It won't let me embed, so click the x for the video. 

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