Sunday, July 14, 2013

I hate everyone and everyone hates me

Even though I've always known it, I'm finally actually realizing that I hold very high standards for public behavior, in myself and others. I've always thought of it just as "being a decent human being": not talking on the phone when conducting business in a store, picking up your garbage and disposing it in the proper place, being aware of your surroundings and saying excuse me when you get in someone else's way, et cetera, et cetera. I'm also continually let down by most other people, as they don't adhere to these standards.

I get very angry or upset when other people don't follow these "rules", but never ever say anything about it, because that would breach my level of politeness. But today, I finally lost it on someone, and it happened to be a child, and I don't even feel slightly bad about it. I get really tired of being walked all over because I don't want to make a scene, or cause any trouble.

I was using the  bathroom at Target, after a very long and very frustrating day at my new job, when a kid (probably 6 or 7, waaaaay old enough to know better) crawled under my stall. I lost my shit and screamed at her to NEVER do that and that it was very rude. Then, when I came out of the stall, I yelled at her mother (ON HER PHONE, SURPRISE SURPRISE OH MY FUCKING GOD) for allowing her invade someone's personal privacy like that. She gave her kid a  half assed "oh don't do that...", never apologizing to me, never even looking up from her phone at me. I was so angry. I still am angry.

I never want to be one with false nostalgia for "better times way back when", because I know no decade or era is ever better than the one we're currently in. But jesus christ, just in my consciousness of  the behavior of others (so, 1999 or so), the way people conduct themselves in public is absolutely gross. And it is not 'kids these days' either. Along with the standard kid having a freakout, or being unable to keep to themselves on the bus, or the asshole teenagers throwing shit at each other in a restaurant, it is adults of all ages who don't seem to give a shit about the other people existing alongside them.

I think cellphones are a major contributing factor of the 'boy in a bubble' effect that seems to grasp people in public, but not everyone who has a cellphone is an asshole and not everyone who is an asshole has a cellphone. I truly do not know what it is, but I'm getting pretty tired of being walked over because, according to "being a decent human being", I don't want to make a scene.  I've officially become that mean old bitch lady, and I really could not care less.

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