Thursday, January 16, 2014

In the Land of Random Underwear

I went to the grossest place on earth, the Goodwill Outlet bins, today! The first time I went, I found literally a bag of dirt, and I've been back a few times without much success. Today, though, there was a more reasonable clothes bin to stuff bin ratio, and I found a few things. I refuse to look through the clothes, just because of the volume of loose underwear. WHY is there so much underwear?! Just fucking throw it away, don't donate it! Jesus Christ!

Anyway, I made out with some gems for a total of $1.53. Not bad!

 These are the white things in the bags on the bottom of the whole group. They're belt buckles! According to the package, there were elephant ones that went with the donkeys. I wish they had been there too!


 These were cut, but they don't appear to be actually used!

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