Friday, February 21, 2014

Here’s the most obvious statement I’ll ever make:

I love tv.

 Having a parent who works in the industry (even at the tiny regional market level), the tv was always on when I was a kid- if it wasn’t, that meant something was “wrong at the station”. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but every time I see a network cut to their generic logo bumper, I still think of someone scrambling to find the right tape.

Television is an easy target for people who like to shit on things. Yeah, a lot of tv is stupid. A lot of tv is downright horseshit. For every Mad Men, there’s going to be ten thousand 16 and Pregnants. But, it’s all about how you use it.  The television medium is a tool.  What it can deliver depends on how one chooses to use it. 

That being said, I have a terrible habit of latching onto a show and watching it over and over and over.  Yeah, I watch a lot of tv, volume-wise. But my variety is somewhat lacking.  Because I get stuck in the same three-show-loop, I have a tendency  to miss out on a lot of great shows.  I don’t have access to the television set in the house that’s hooked up to cable (grr), nor am I super confident about “finding” tv online (double grr), so I usually have to wait around for it to hopefully be released on Netflix, as service that has become increasingly disappointing with their selection.  Luckily for me, some networks are getting internet savvy and posting stuff on places like Hulu, or even their own websites, but I still get behind, and tend to find new shows months (years) after everyone else has seen it already.

What I’m trying to say specifically is 




1 comment:

  1. And you were all like, "I'm the one who blogs!" :D

    Die hard BB fan that you (as are the mister and I), I highly suspect that you'd also love (if you're not watching them already), Dexter and Sons of Anarchy.

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment on yesterday's post.
