Wednesday, November 20, 2013

square dance bowls why

One of the things I've become very interested in over the past few months via several friends at work is getting a space in a resale shop. Two of my friends have awesome spaces at two different shops, and it's something I really want to get into! I don't have a backlog of stuff to sell, and would want to do about 50/50 handmade and found items anyway, but I've been studying and learning a lot from my coworkers. Nearly everyone at the store has a really good eye for finding great treasures, and I love being able to tag along with them and see how they do it.

I've recently made a life altering (temporarily, I hope) decision that has forced me to put a lot of stuff on hold, including moving and getting a space to sell stuff, but I'm confident this decision will be better for me in the long run. Having to stay in an uncomfortable (and downright awful, sometimes) living situation is going to be a better option that the alternative for me in the long run. I'll speak about this more once I've actually gone through with said decision.

But that being said, I've still been going out to thrift stores and perusing the wares to see what is out there. Yesterday, I had planned on going to the bins (THE BINS AHH) but ended up stopping into the goodwill near my house and ran into one of my work friends! We went to a couple other goodwills and I found this:

It's so kitschy and awful.... I love it! I did some research and it was originally sold in sets of four, each dish with a different "western" theme. I wish I had found all of them! Argh!  My friend was adamant that I could make something off it, but I think it's a keeper!

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