Monday, August 24, 2015


Today, I saw my first SPIRIT store, reassuring me that it's not to early for Halloween posts (it never is), although I've been officially planning for about two weeks now in the form of a pinterest board.

Halloween is usually the time when I can get away with doing some mild historical costuming, and I wanted to do something in those veins, but not strictly a reproduction.


I saw this incredibly terrifying Victorian raven taxidermied as a priest and thought I might do a Victorian crow, but that's a hell of a lot of work, and it is basically September. Somehow, I landed on doing a 1920s bat, and though I'm not as into the decade as I was a while back, I think the style would really suit the costume.

  I've always really liked this art deco moth print, and thought it could translate well into bat.

early 20s, butterfly could translate into bat

really like the pointed parts of the skirt on the right

c. 1920, Russia

I always lean towards the beginning of the 1920s decade when it comes to fashion, as I think it's a lot more flattering and less stereotypical than the standard "flapper" look, and I really like this dress.

 This one of my all time favorite fashion plates of any era in the history of man. It's already witchy and halloween-y without even trying. I want to be buried in the outfit on the left. Send me into the afterlife looking like a bootlegging Transylvanian countess!

I really like the points on the skirts of this dress that was worn to the Royal Ascot. I'm not sure what year, but I'd guess 25 or so. The points kind of echo the points on the photo of the bat costume above, and the tassels on the Russian dress.

c. 1926, Metropolitan Museum of Art    
 The sleeves on this are reminiscent of wings. I really like the shape and drape of it.

I'm not entirely sure how it's going to come together, other than being black and having the wings/ears be made in the form of a cape, and made from something sheer.  I found some sheer poly voile curtain panels at Ross for $8, and I think I can fashion the cape out of these. I didn't want to try and do chiffon or anything too filmy. They need to be slightly substantial.  Dress-wise, as I said, I want to skew earlier than later in the decade.  We can all agree this Downton Abbey knock off pattern is pretty atrocious, but I think it may be a good jumping off point.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Pattern Review: Lifestyles of the Wardrobed

looking slightly disheveled as I had just walked home in 90 degree weather.


Butterick 6185
Pattern Description: Misses Jacket, Top, Dress, Skirt and Pants 

 Pattern Sizing: 14-22. I sewed a 22. 

 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes.  

Were the instructions easy to follow? Very simple. 

 What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? It was very fast and very easy. The fabric choices of the pattern envelope photos almost made me pass on the pattern, as they came off a little too Nancy-Reagan-casual-First-Lady-suit for me (and honestly, the term lifestyle wardrobe makes me immediately turn the page).

who are we kidding, I'd wear this

 I really liked to collar on the top though, thinking it felt very 60s, but in the end when I made it up, it felt more 1920s than anything. I think the dress length version would make a good base pattern for a 20s style dress with some alterations.  

Fabric Used: a green tie-print silky polyester I got a while ago from a thrift store for fifty cents. I've already made another top out of the same fabric, though this top was much more suited to the style of fabric. The blue under collar is left over from the skirt lining I used to make the sleeves on this jacket here.

 Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I finished the armholes with bias tape instead of just doing a narrow hem. By design, it is a boxy top, and by design, I am not a boxy person. Since my middle area is about half a size larger than the rest of my top half, I usually make a 22. I could have made it in a 20 and scaled out to the 22 in the hip area and it would have fit a little better in the bust-and-above area.

 Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes, I plan on making the dress length version.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ann...Old Wives Tale

I thought I'd do something a little different and post an "about me" type survey.

1.Do you have a middle name? Ann
2. What was your favorite subject in school? English, history and band.
3. What’s your favorite drink?  Alcohol-wise, whiskey sours and old fashioneds.  Save about a quarter of a bottle of Cooks champagne I stress-guzzled at a wedding recently, I haven’t had any alcohol in almost a year due to some medication I take. I take its winky-eyed suggestion label very seriously, though I’m not totally sure what would happen if I did drink… I don’t want to ask the doctor. Haha!
what I'll think I look like
What I'll actually look like

4. Favorite song at the moment: So it Goes- Nick Lowe
5. What would you name your children: I have no plans to have any. Honestly, if I were offered a free hysterectomy today, I’d take it.
6. Do you participate in any sports.  No. The only sport I’ve ever been good at was badminton.
7. Favorite Book?  To Kill a Mockingbird, High Fidelity and Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

8. Favorite Color? Navy blue and dark green
9. Favorite Animal? Raccoons, lobsters, BILBIES


10. Favorite perfume?  Balenciaga B.  I got it for Christmas and it’s my absolute favorite, though it’s definitely a fall/winter scent. It’s too heavy for hot days, and since we basically have had zero spring and a gross summer, I haven’t gotten to wear it in a long time.  Instead, I’ve been wearing something I got a sample of in my first Ipsy bag  (Femina by Jor’el Parker) which is not too cloyingly sweet, or powdery, which I am always weary of when it comes to perfume.

11. Favorite holiday? Halloween. It has always been my favorite and it will always be my favorite. As of this writing, I’ve started to see Halloween stuff trickle into stores and it’s THRILLING.

13. Have you been out of the Country?  No, not even to Canada.

14. Do you speak any other Languages?  No, not even Canadian.

15. Do you have any siblings?  No

16. What’s your favorite store? This is a vague question. Favorite store in general? Target probably. Favorite antique store? Stars Antiques in Sellwood. Favorite grocery store? the Woodstock Safeway.

17. Favorite Restaurant?  Probably a local Lebanese place called Nicholas, or Hole in the Wall, a sandwich shop in Eureka.  

honestly though, who are we kidding

18. Did you like school?  When I was in elementary school, yes, most of the time. Once I got into junior high and high school, I was vastly under-challenged academically and bored out of my mind. I spent most of my time being as invisible as possible. 

19. Favorite band(s)?  I honestly am a product of the iTunes single-song-vs-album generation and typically like songs by individual artist within a genre more than bands specifically. However, bands or artists that I listen to, or own entire albums by include Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon/ Simon and Garfunkel, Beach Boys, Prince, Beatles,  Al Green, among many others.  I also like early 60s folk music, 19th century murder ballads and a variety of classical pieces.

20. Favorite Movie?  Blazing Saddles

21. Favorite Tv show: 30Rock, Broad City, Hannibal

22. Pc or Mac? I learned how to use a computer on a Mac, but I currently use a PC because I am not made of money.

23. What phone do you have?  iPhone 4s. I really need to get a new one though- my computer doesn’t recognize it, and  I’ve been unable to update it since last October, plus it has storage issues.

24. How tall are you?  5’2”. In elementary school, I was one of the tall kids, but stopped growing at 13.

13 Personal Questions:
1. What do you order at Starbucks?  Usually a vanilla latte or regular coffee with cream. I typically go to Peets instead, as I find their syrups less sweet and their baristas less overbearing.   I totally get that a majority of them are being made to be that way (I worked there for two years), but sometimes I just don’t want to deal with that level of forced ‘howsitgoin’ cheeriness.

2. One thing in your closet you cannot live without?  Costume items. This sounds so dumb, but I love being able to pull a weird costume out of my ass at any possible moment.  I’m getting to the point where I don’t care anymore and just wear them whenever I want. It’s very liberating to really, truly dress exactly how you want, even if that means something weird.   

3. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you?  Everything I wanted to be when I grew up, in chronological order:

  • Veterinarian
  • Barrel racer
  • Veterinarian again
  • Forensic scientist
  • author
  • Rock and roll historian
  • Music journalist
  • Fashion historian
  • Comedy writer
  • Genealogical researcher
  • Anything but a cashier

4. Name one thing you want to do before you die… Find a city to live in that I feel I really fit into 

5. What’s one food you cannot live without?  Dairy

6. What quote/phrase do you live by? When I worked briefly (very briefly- I was fired two weeks into it for not being friendly enough the same day -on my birthday!-  I was going to put in my two week’s notice because I felt my soul oozing out of all orifices. ) at a frozen yogurt place, one of the coworkers was an English major who read a lot of poetry and was asking me all these “get to know you” questions and asked this.  Like an idiot, I answered with my favorite 30Rock line, “I wolfed my teamster sub for you!” when he was expecting Chaucer or Twain or something. I am not sophisticated. 

7. What’s your most listened to song on itunes?  My iTunes library is not accurate by any means. The aforementioned problem with my phone not being recognized means I can’t load any of my songs onto my phone, and as a result, I invested in the paid version of spotify. Somewhere along the way, I had to do something with my iTunes account and wound up losing a majority of my music. Seeing as my account dates back to 2004 and got its most use between that year and 2008, I think it’s safe to say the most played song was something by Green Day. I don’t often listen to my iTunes library, and haven’t purchased music in a very long time. There isn’t a way to tell most played songs in Spotify that I’m aware of. That being said, in iTunes, “Sex Hair” by Mouserat is number one at 60 plays. 

8. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?  Eclectic

9. Favorite number? 17

10. Two Hobbies? Sewing and research. I love researching. If I’m interested in anything, I’m typically really most interested on a research level. I’m not sure whether it stems from my love of history, or my love of history stems from it, but they are unmistakably intertwined.  

real-time screenshot of my browser showing I have the 1940 census bookmarked and therefore should train my future cats to dial 911

11. Two Pet Peeves?  I have so many pet peeves that it’s actually embarrassing.  People using their cell phones when conducting business at a register or in a restaurant and people riding bikes on sidewalks are probably the two biggest. Also people leaving trash or coffee cups on shelves in stores
12. Guilty Pleasures?  Music I wouldn’t have been caught dead listening to when I was a snobby teenager. I spent many years of my life shirking pop music, but you know what? Justin Timberlake and One Direction are fun and 14 year old me was an asshole, and the glasses I wore in 8th grade weren’t even real. So there. 

Monday, August 10, 2015


Today I went to IKEA with the intent to buy a new clothes rack. The room I live in is old enough to predate closets being standard, and the majority of my clothes are better pff hanging. Since my current rack  was very cheap, isn't really able to hold the weight of my (sometimes heavily beaded) stuff.  I figured Monday pretty close to opening would be a safe time to go, and it wasn't until I was up the escalators and deep into the side-table area that I remembered that it's summer and school is out.  Apparently Smaland had met capacity limits because there were toddlers  leaving slime trails everywhere. 

At some point I assisted a lady who asked me to  help pick out fabric for some bags she was making to give her friends around thanksgiving (??), and saw an entire family of four wandering around drinking Slurpees. I don't even know where there is a 7-11 in the area.

actual file footage of me

 I ended up not getting the clothes rack, but did get 27 dollars worth of other things I don't need, but thought that -in the grip of ikea-based insanity- I could use. I came home and proceeded multitask at building my new LINDSTJĂ–RG slidy desk organizer and watch the latest episode of Hannibal in between episodes of House of Cards, only to realize I didn't really have anywhere to put it. Five hours of reorganizing the room and throwing away my hoard of empty shoeboxes later, my room looks exactly the same but now there's a slidy desk organizer in the mix.

I've been feeling pretty shitty the past few weeks, with a great cocktail of no sleep due to high night heat, loudly meditating neighbors, assorted anxiety issues and topped off with a near brush with possible death/kidnapping/general discomfort.  I had to leave work due to extreme cramps and wound up laying on a bus bench,  waiting for a bus on a barren stretch of Columbia Blvd looking like a sweaty version of a Law and Order victim.  Worst of all, I had to leave my coffee (that I had bought right before starting my shift that ended up lasting 18 minutes, only had like three sips of and dutifully intended to carry home) at the stop when the bus finally came like 20 minutes later. Five bucks down the drain, plus since there was no trash can, I just left it on the bench for the crows,  passive-aggressively littering. First world problems at their finest.

Anyway, when I was organizing my shit today, I found several of the notebooks from 2005-7 that I used glue pictures of clothes I'd cut out of magazines into. Good to know that I've essentially been blowing my time on Pinterest since five years before Pinterest even existed.  While I see how a lot of peope may feel that websites/apps like Pinterest are a huge waste of time that you could be doing something else, at the same time it is no different that the hours I spent cutting stuff out of magazines. I find that it's my main source of inspiration these days, both aesthetically and interest-wise. Yeah, sure I've pinned literally thousands of patterns for clothes I'm never going to make and probably close to the same amount of hairstyles or outfits I'm never going to wear, but it's reaffirming to see that other people have the same likes, specifically when you're interests are not common in the area that you're in. Often I feel very uninspired in my daily life from things around me, and it's interesting but completely not surprising  to see that I was having the same feelings ten years ago cutting out clothes I'd never seen in Eureka in a million years.  I am nothing if but consistent.