Monday, August 10, 2015


Today I went to IKEA with the intent to buy a new clothes rack. The room I live in is old enough to predate closets being standard, and the majority of my clothes are better pff hanging. Since my current rack  was very cheap, isn't really able to hold the weight of my (sometimes heavily beaded) stuff.  I figured Monday pretty close to opening would be a safe time to go, and it wasn't until I was up the escalators and deep into the side-table area that I remembered that it's summer and school is out.  Apparently Smaland had met capacity limits because there were toddlers  leaving slime trails everywhere. 

At some point I assisted a lady who asked me to  help pick out fabric for some bags she was making to give her friends around thanksgiving (??), and saw an entire family of four wandering around drinking Slurpees. I don't even know where there is a 7-11 in the area.

actual file footage of me

 I ended up not getting the clothes rack, but did get 27 dollars worth of other things I don't need, but thought that -in the grip of ikea-based insanity- I could use. I came home and proceeded multitask at building my new LINDSTJĂ–RG slidy desk organizer and watch the latest episode of Hannibal in between episodes of House of Cards, only to realize I didn't really have anywhere to put it. Five hours of reorganizing the room and throwing away my hoard of empty shoeboxes later, my room looks exactly the same but now there's a slidy desk organizer in the mix.

I've been feeling pretty shitty the past few weeks, with a great cocktail of no sleep due to high night heat, loudly meditating neighbors, assorted anxiety issues and topped off with a near brush with possible death/kidnapping/general discomfort.  I had to leave work due to extreme cramps and wound up laying on a bus bench,  waiting for a bus on a barren stretch of Columbia Blvd looking like a sweaty version of a Law and Order victim.  Worst of all, I had to leave my coffee (that I had bought right before starting my shift that ended up lasting 18 minutes, only had like three sips of and dutifully intended to carry home) at the stop when the bus finally came like 20 minutes later. Five bucks down the drain, plus since there was no trash can, I just left it on the bench for the crows,  passive-aggressively littering. First world problems at their finest.

Anyway, when I was organizing my shit today, I found several of the notebooks from 2005-7 that I used glue pictures of clothes I'd cut out of magazines into. Good to know that I've essentially been blowing my time on Pinterest since five years before Pinterest even existed.  While I see how a lot of peope may feel that websites/apps like Pinterest are a huge waste of time that you could be doing something else, at the same time it is no different that the hours I spent cutting stuff out of magazines. I find that it's my main source of inspiration these days, both aesthetically and interest-wise. Yeah, sure I've pinned literally thousands of patterns for clothes I'm never going to make and probably close to the same amount of hairstyles or outfits I'm never going to wear, but it's reaffirming to see that other people have the same likes, specifically when you're interests are not common in the area that you're in. Often I feel very uninspired in my daily life from things around me, and it's interesting but completely not surprising  to see that I was having the same feelings ten years ago cutting out clothes I'd never seen in Eureka in a million years.  I am nothing if but consistent.

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