Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ann...Old Wives Tale

I thought I'd do something a little different and post an "about me" type survey.

1.Do you have a middle name? Ann
2. What was your favorite subject in school? English, history and band.
3. What’s your favorite drink?  Alcohol-wise, whiskey sours and old fashioneds.  Save about a quarter of a bottle of Cooks champagne I stress-guzzled at a wedding recently, I haven’t had any alcohol in almost a year due to some medication I take. I take its winky-eyed suggestion label very seriously, though I’m not totally sure what would happen if I did drink… I don’t want to ask the doctor. Haha!
what I'll think I look like
What I'll actually look like

4. Favorite song at the moment: So it Goes- Nick Lowe
5. What would you name your children: I have no plans to have any. Honestly, if I were offered a free hysterectomy today, I’d take it.
6. Do you participate in any sports.  No. The only sport I’ve ever been good at was badminton.
7. Favorite Book?  To Kill a Mockingbird, High Fidelity and Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

8. Favorite Color? Navy blue and dark green
9. Favorite Animal? Raccoons, lobsters, BILBIES


10. Favorite perfume?  Balenciaga B.  I got it for Christmas and it’s my absolute favorite, though it’s definitely a fall/winter scent. It’s too heavy for hot days, and since we basically have had zero spring and a gross summer, I haven’t gotten to wear it in a long time.  Instead, I’ve been wearing something I got a sample of in my first Ipsy bag  (Femina by Jor’el Parker) which is not too cloyingly sweet, or powdery, which I am always weary of when it comes to perfume.

11. Favorite holiday? Halloween. It has always been my favorite and it will always be my favorite. As of this writing, I’ve started to see Halloween stuff trickle into stores and it’s THRILLING.

13. Have you been out of the Country?  No, not even to Canada.

14. Do you speak any other Languages?  No, not even Canadian.

15. Do you have any siblings?  No

16. What’s your favorite store? This is a vague question. Favorite store in general? Target probably. Favorite antique store? Stars Antiques in Sellwood. Favorite grocery store? the Woodstock Safeway.

17. Favorite Restaurant?  Probably a local Lebanese place called Nicholas, or Hole in the Wall, a sandwich shop in Eureka.  

honestly though, who are we kidding

18. Did you like school?  When I was in elementary school, yes, most of the time. Once I got into junior high and high school, I was vastly under-challenged academically and bored out of my mind. I spent most of my time being as invisible as possible. 

19. Favorite band(s)?  I honestly am a product of the iTunes single-song-vs-album generation and typically like songs by individual artist within a genre more than bands specifically. However, bands or artists that I listen to, or own entire albums by include Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon/ Simon and Garfunkel, Beach Boys, Prince, Beatles,  Al Green, among many others.  I also like early 60s folk music, 19th century murder ballads and a variety of classical pieces.

20. Favorite Movie?  Blazing Saddles

21. Favorite Tv show: 30Rock, Broad City, Hannibal

22. Pc or Mac? I learned how to use a computer on a Mac, but I currently use a PC because I am not made of money.

23. What phone do you have?  iPhone 4s. I really need to get a new one though- my computer doesn’t recognize it, and  I’ve been unable to update it since last October, plus it has storage issues.

24. How tall are you?  5’2”. In elementary school, I was one of the tall kids, but stopped growing at 13.

13 Personal Questions:
1. What do you order at Starbucks?  Usually a vanilla latte or regular coffee with cream. I typically go to Peets instead, as I find their syrups less sweet and their baristas less overbearing.   I totally get that a majority of them are being made to be that way (I worked there for two years), but sometimes I just don’t want to deal with that level of forced ‘howsitgoin’ cheeriness.

2. One thing in your closet you cannot live without?  Costume items. This sounds so dumb, but I love being able to pull a weird costume out of my ass at any possible moment.  I’m getting to the point where I don’t care anymore and just wear them whenever I want. It’s very liberating to really, truly dress exactly how you want, even if that means something weird.   

3. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you?  Everything I wanted to be when I grew up, in chronological order:

  • Veterinarian
  • Barrel racer
  • Veterinarian again
  • Forensic scientist
  • author
  • Rock and roll historian
  • Music journalist
  • Fashion historian
  • Comedy writer
  • Genealogical researcher
  • Anything but a cashier

4. Name one thing you want to do before you die… Find a city to live in that I feel I really fit into 

5. What’s one food you cannot live without?  Dairy

6. What quote/phrase do you live by? When I worked briefly (very briefly- I was fired two weeks into it for not being friendly enough the same day -on my birthday!-  I was going to put in my two week’s notice because I felt my soul oozing out of all orifices. ) at a frozen yogurt place, one of the coworkers was an English major who read a lot of poetry and was asking me all these “get to know you” questions and asked this.  Like an idiot, I answered with my favorite 30Rock line, “I wolfed my teamster sub for you!” when he was expecting Chaucer or Twain or something. I am not sophisticated. 

7. What’s your most listened to song on itunes?  My iTunes library is not accurate by any means. The aforementioned problem with my phone not being recognized means I can’t load any of my songs onto my phone, and as a result, I invested in the paid version of spotify. Somewhere along the way, I had to do something with my iTunes account and wound up losing a majority of my music. Seeing as my account dates back to 2004 and got its most use between that year and 2008, I think it’s safe to say the most played song was something by Green Day. I don’t often listen to my iTunes library, and haven’t purchased music in a very long time. There isn’t a way to tell most played songs in Spotify that I’m aware of. That being said, in iTunes, “Sex Hair” by Mouserat is number one at 60 plays. 

8. What kind of style would you define yourself as having?  Eclectic

9. Favorite number? 17

10. Two Hobbies? Sewing and research. I love researching. If I’m interested in anything, I’m typically really most interested on a research level. I’m not sure whether it stems from my love of history, or my love of history stems from it, but they are unmistakably intertwined.  

real-time screenshot of my browser showing I have the 1940 census bookmarked and therefore should train my future cats to dial 911

11. Two Pet Peeves?  I have so many pet peeves that it’s actually embarrassing.  People using their cell phones when conducting business at a register or in a restaurant and people riding bikes on sidewalks are probably the two biggest. Also people leaving trash or coffee cups on shelves in stores
12. Guilty Pleasures?  Music I wouldn’t have been caught dead listening to when I was a snobby teenager. I spent many years of my life shirking pop music, but you know what? Justin Timberlake and One Direction are fun and 14 year old me was an asshole, and the glasses I wore in 8th grade weren’t even real. So there. 

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