Tuesday, April 14, 2015


At my size and level of broke-assed-ness, it can be really hard to find vintage pieces, especially anything prior to the 1980s.  Locally, the market is completely over-saturated with buyers for vintage items, so it's even more hard to find really good pieces that aren't out of my price and size limits. Shopping online is a good source, but even then, it can be hard to tell when it comes to size and condition.  One category that seems easier to find for me is accessories.  I think that those people who are interested in accessories are a smaller portion of vintage fans, more likely to be more invested in vintage clothing than those who are just into the look for the trend. I don't mean to come off as condescending at all (though I realize that's kind of how it sounds)- everyday people are just more likely to buy and wear a vintage dress than a hat, or jewelry. 

That's fine with me! Accessories are typically cheaper, can be worn with vintage or modern clothes, and most importantly, are typically not sized! Let's face it, with my completely rectangular Flintstone feet, I'm never going to find vintage shoes, but hats, jewelry, bags, scarves, ect, ect, ect are something that I always see in vintage/thrift/resells shops, and are usually priced very well. 

Anyway, what I'm taking a long time to say is that  one of the things I've been collecting for a while are pins.  I like that pins are a solid way to wear vintage without feeling like you have to be dressed head to toe to get away with it (hats can feel that way sometimes).  While I've gotten quite a few over the last couple years, something I've recently become interested in are war-era Sweetheart pins.  There's a really great couple of posts over on Emily's Vintage Visions talking about them (plus her great collection!). Several months ago, I found one in an antique store, but unfortunately when I tried to put it on, it broke! I was able to fix it with some of the ol E6000, but I'm to afraid to touch and mess with it. I mean, it is 70 year old plastic. I'm not surprised that it broke.

Even though it just sits on my shelf, I still really like this one. It combines the "V" for Victory motif, with the patriotic colors, and another pin-style favorite of mine, wire names! This one was for "Evie", though the font is sort of hard to read.

The second one I just got a few days ago off Ebay. It's silver(toned?), featuring a Air Force officer's hat along with the V motif. I love that it's also personalized, in a way, showing the rank and division of military the wearer's son/brother/husband/younger lover was associated with.  This one is in much better condition, and I can actually wear it. I'm afraid these are becoming my pokemon- I'm scrounging for others everywhere I go. Gotta catch 'em all!


  1. I love vintage pins, they are so cute! Its always so fun going through them all and finding the best and oldest ones. Sometimes you find some reeeealllly strange ones too. I can totally feel you with the broke bit, I'm a student and have practically no money except some I saved from a job like 3 years ago. It always breaks my heart seeing all beautiful expensive vintage things, but sometimes if you look hard enough you find a really great bargain :)

    1. True! The hunt for the best price is part of the fun, but it's sad to see something amazing get away.
