Friday, April 10, 2015

Season of the Interrobang

First and foremost, I feel it necessary to bring attention to Ted Chaough's swinging bachelor mustache.

That being said, how in holy hell is it April already?

I've been extremely busy this past month, yet still haven't bothered to photograph any of the things I've been making. I really want to post about them and write up reviews, but I've been doing other things like accidentally ordering "large" beverages from the coffee stand near my doctor's office (and when I say large I mean like a gallon and a half), being woken up way before the crack of dawn by my hippie commune neighbors' chickens/roosters, and actually finding some good stuff at Goodwill(?!?!?!).  This Monday, I'm going to actually take pictures of stuff. Yes. Maybe.

Anyway, if you follow me on pinterest (which if you do, I'm sorry), you may have noticed that I'm actually spending a majority of my hours knee deep in midcentury party dress patterns that I'll never find in my size. I'm going to a friend's wedding later in the summer, which I've been told will be erring on fancy, dress-code-wise, so I'm slogging through the patterns that I have to see what I can rustle up. I think I've decided on one, but I'm not totally sold on it.  Of course, I've found a ton that I'd love to make on pinterest, but alas, until I learn to grade patterns, I'm pretty much up Pete Campbell Creek*.

Via BessieandMaive

Via Sydcam123

Via CynicalGirl

via MissBettysAttic

Via Vintagecollectables2000

*I just found out Pete Campbell has the same birthday as me?!?!?! He's a fictional character but?!?!?!!

Don Draper as me, in this exact reenactment of the moment wikipedia revealed this information to me

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, that's really cool! I don't know of any fictional characters that share my birthday, but you've piqued my interest there now for sure and I shall be investigating the matter further asap.

    I'm so bummed about MM ending. It's been my favourite show for years now (since the first season) and I've seen every episode at least once (as has my husband, who adores it, too) and most more than that. It's the end of a TV era for sure.

    Have a terrific weekend, dear gal!
    ♥ Jessica
