Friday, May 31, 2013

About a week and a half ago, I was stuck with three blank stuffie bodies and no idea whatsoever about who they should turn into. Usually, my issue is the other way around... I have more ideas than I can keep up with. You get turned into a stuffie! You get turned into a stuffie! Then, I settle down to actually go about turning them into a stuffie and get bogged down into researching that no one gets turned into a stuffie.  Also, there's the issue with wanting to make stuffies purely for me, me, ME! So far, I've kept the hoarding level down, only keeping a few (two actually. Charlie Kelly and Charlie Chaplin. Well, plus a William Clark I made a few years ago).  That's why I really love doing commissions! Other people come up with stuff I wouldn't think of, so it gets me out of my box!

Right now, I have one commission coming down the chute, which I will probably knock out tomorrow, but I keep having those damn sugar plum stuffie fairies floating through my head, giving me too many ideas at once.
Turn me into a stuffie,whispers George Michael Bluth's Spain-based mustache.
Turn me into a stuffie, says David Mitchell while I'm marathoning QI. 
TURN ME INTO A STUFFIE, whisper-screams every damn photo of Buster Keaton in the aptly titled Buster Keaton tag on tumblr
Clearly, my fandom roots are showing, luring me away from historical figures.

Anyway, here's a small compilation of some stuffies I will make, want to make, or maybe am even currently making. In absolutely no order whatsoever.


At first I thought of doing Harvey Korman as Hedly Lamarr but then I found this picture and remembered how amazing Madeline Kahn is and now I want to do one of each????

come dream with me

I've done one of Kate Beaton's Napoleons before but I love Jules Verne's drawing so much

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Patron Saint of France and Felt!

New stuffie time!
It's Joan of Arc and her Jesus-less banner! 
You know the drill, up on Etsy.

I've got a new post coming about my upcoming stuffies but my keyboard decided to do that not working thing again, so I'll get it up ASAP! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

I've made some pins!

I made up some pins last night/ this morning and am considering putting them in my shop. Don't ask why the weirdo fish theme- I don't have an answer.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Doggone It (Weekly Favorites)

It's been a while since I've done a weekly favorites, which has slowly backslid into monthly favorites, but I've committed to having a positive attitude, so that's okay.

The tub is completely clogged up and I filled out applications for Target and Clarks Footwear today, so here's some of the stuff that I've been liking lately, mostly courtesy of pinterest, as per usual.

Ossalli Anchor Print Jacket
I'd even be happy with the fabric from this... then it'd sit in a plastic tub and never get used, like all my other fabric
Alice Roosevelt Dolly by UneekDollDesigns
UneekDollDesigns on Etsy makes some of the most beautiful art dolls I've seen, historical and otherwise! She makes historical figures, authors, and more, and they're insane with the amount of detail put into them. Her work is amazing and definitely one of my favorites on Etsy

bk&jio on etsy
I'm a little/a lot over the whole mustache thing, but when paired with the hat... argh, I need it!

(letters from the home front)
Mary Astor

I got cash from the sale of my Bo Diddley commission on Saturday, and expected to spend it on estate sales the next day, but only found $1.75 worth of loot, so I've had some cash on me. I never carry cash, and have been only spending money via my cards if it's an emergency. I've long loved the look of finger waves, but couldn't really get them to work well because I only had pin curl clips and they just can't handle my ridiculous hair, and all the tutorials I've read haven't made much sense. Well, luckily we're dead in the middle of Gatsby fever, and people are super into the '20s, leading to people making lots of video tutorials. Anyway, I found myself waiting for the busline that is never less than 20 minutes late, so I dashed into Sally's to see just how much wave clips would be. Turns out they were super cheap! I got a pack for only 3.00, and am excited to test it out! Reason 19383 I'm all about short hair (which reminds me I really need to get it cut again).


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I know it's been a while, but I've been alternately busy and not busy enough that I just haven't gotten around to updating.

I had an interview with Anthropologie last week, but it was very odd, and needless to say I didn't get it. I've been still applying applying applying everywhere. Something has to hit somewhere. Tomorrow I'm making the rounds at the mall again, since it's getting to be summer seasonal time.

In  stuffie news, I've got several coming down the chute soon! I've been making lots of bodies up at a time, then taking my time with deciding who it's going to turn out to be, and I'm really liking that way of going about it! Doing the bodies is the most time consuming (and boring) part of the dolls, so it's nice to be able to get that part out of the way and have them ready when I get a good idea for a character!

you can sort of see her hat here

Over the past few days, I made up a Jacqueline Kennedy and a Charlie Kelly from It's Always Sunny in Philadelpia, who I will be keeping. I'm really pleased with how Jackie Kennedy came out. I did her face a bit differently, and am excited with the results.


I've got one more that I'm going to be working on today that just needs clothes, but I keep getting sidetracked with a big idea that I'm excited about. I've been working really hard at staying with making things to sell, but I'd definitely want to keep this idea. It's big, and copywrited, so I wouldn't sell it anyway. I need to stay focused on things to sell, at least until that other job comes through (whenever that is going to happen...)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

John Waters: Place Space

10/10 best book I've ever checked out from work. 

I mean, it comes with a foldout poster and postcards! What?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Happy Corps of Discovery Kick-Off Day!

199 years ago today the Corps of Discovery set off on their journey across the continent to see just what the hell Jefferson had bought, and, fingers crossed, discover some of those mammoths Jefferson was so convinced were out there.  That didn't quite pan out, but they did make the journey to the coast of Oregon and back in two years and only lost one man. Quite the remarkable feat, given at one point in the expedition they survived on candle tallow and Lewis got shot in the ass about ten minutes outside St. Louis.

The real hero of the expedition, however, is my personal favorite George Shannon. He was the baby of the group and got lost twice. Two times.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Bo Diddley Stuffie!

This newest stuffie was done for a coworker, and it won't be put up on my etsy, so I figured I'd put him up here! I have no idea where my fray-check went and had to use fabri-tac to check that fray on the flannel jacket, but it worked out great!


In unrelated news, I wanted to dress up for the Great Gatsby release, since I won't be able to see it right away, but turns out I have no clothes. So I threw on my 1920s rent-boy hat and  I dressed as Buster Keaton instead.  I really need to bulk out my wardrobe. I used to be able to dress up for any occasion at the drop of a hat! Those were the days.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In Which Pete Campbell Accurately Sums Up My Job Finding Ability


It's been (and will continue to be) hot as balls here in Portland, and seeing as I'm really only able to function when it's 50 with a constant drizzle, I've been braving the weather by staying indoors, only venturing out for work, applying for other work, and food.  Still nothing on that middle one, which is just getting downright aggrevating, especially when I see bullshit on job posting boards about a college degree being required to work the floor of a women's yoga clothing store. Are you serious? This is what is wrong with the job market right now. 
I have been seriously lucky to have landed the job I currently have. I have never worked for a better company, and really feel as though I will never work for a better one.  The absolute only draw-back is not being able to get enough hours, which is extraordinarily frustrating, as it is a huge draw-back. I've never been paid a higher hourly wage, I've never been unionized, I've never gotten a set schedule before this job. I've never been given a holiday bonus despite still being a trial employee, I've never been treated so well. This is the first job I've had that, while still retail, and still dealing with idiots all day, I would be happy still doing years from now.  If only they could give me the hours I need! I'm still hoping eventually I'll weasel my way into a full-time position. I know something supplemental will come up, but I know it will never be as good as what I have now. I'm just thankful that I know I have this job, so whatever else I get, even if I hate it, I know I've got this great job  where I work with friends to balance the shit out.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Collection Alert

My vintage/thrift/cemetery/all things history friend at work traded me this totally awesome vintage stamp book with stamps from her collection for an ear for her Vincent Van Gogh doll and shoes for another doll. I love the photograph so much! He's holding something that looks like a conductor's baton to me... Not sure though.

Most were doubles from her personal stamp collection, and I'm finding it very hard to choose my favorites, so I narrowed it down to this handful, though I'm sure I'll change my mind next time I go through them. I never thought I'd be a stamp collector, but this little starter kit is making me want to add that to my list of things to keep an eye out for!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

End of Month Mid Week Favorites


As you may have been able to tell from previous  posts, April has not been an easy month for me. I'm still chasing after a second job, my phone decided to die and cost me an assload of money I don't have, and I'm sill dealing with frustrating living situations. I try not to focus on all the neggy vibes coming at me, but they've been kind of difficult to avoid lately. I feel I spend all of my time complaining to anyone who is near, and that is not who I want to be. As someone that people routinely dump their problems on, I know what its like to be on the receiving end of that, and don't want to pile that on anyone else. So, going forward, I'm making a decision to not complain about any of the above unless expressly asked, and even then, I won't harp on it.

Anyway, here's a compilation of my absolute favorite items I've found around the ol' interweb or positive things I've been up to for the month of April.  Now I just need to find someone with a mind-vice to crush my problems.



I've been really getting into historical costume again. Not that I'll be making anything anytime soon, but I've been doing some of what is my favorite part of the process... image collecting and research!


I had meant to get this done by the season 6 premier, but actually just finished the last episode of season 5 about five minutes ago.