Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In Which Pete Campbell Accurately Sums Up My Job Finding Ability


It's been (and will continue to be) hot as balls here in Portland, and seeing as I'm really only able to function when it's 50 with a constant drizzle, I've been braving the weather by staying indoors, only venturing out for work, applying for other work, and food.  Still nothing on that middle one, which is just getting downright aggrevating, especially when I see bullshit on job posting boards about a college degree being required to work the floor of a women's yoga clothing store. Are you serious? This is what is wrong with the job market right now. 
I have been seriously lucky to have landed the job I currently have. I have never worked for a better company, and really feel as though I will never work for a better one.  The absolute only draw-back is not being able to get enough hours, which is extraordinarily frustrating, as it is a huge draw-back. I've never been paid a higher hourly wage, I've never been unionized, I've never gotten a set schedule before this job. I've never been given a holiday bonus despite still being a trial employee, I've never been treated so well. This is the first job I've had that, while still retail, and still dealing with idiots all day, I would be happy still doing years from now.  If only they could give me the hours I need! I'm still hoping eventually I'll weasel my way into a full-time position. I know something supplemental will come up, but I know it will never be as good as what I have now. I'm just thankful that I know I have this job, so whatever else I get, even if I hate it, I know I've got this great job  where I work with friends to balance the shit out.

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