Wednesday, May 1, 2013

End of Month Mid Week Favorites


As you may have been able to tell from previous  posts, April has not been an easy month for me. I'm still chasing after a second job, my phone decided to die and cost me an assload of money I don't have, and I'm sill dealing with frustrating living situations. I try not to focus on all the neggy vibes coming at me, but they've been kind of difficult to avoid lately. I feel I spend all of my time complaining to anyone who is near, and that is not who I want to be. As someone that people routinely dump their problems on, I know what its like to be on the receiving end of that, and don't want to pile that on anyone else. So, going forward, I'm making a decision to not complain about any of the above unless expressly asked, and even then, I won't harp on it.

Anyway, here's a compilation of my absolute favorite items I've found around the ol' interweb or positive things I've been up to for the month of April.  Now I just need to find someone with a mind-vice to crush my problems.



I've been really getting into historical costume again. Not that I'll be making anything anytime soon, but I've been doing some of what is my favorite part of the process... image collecting and research!


I had meant to get this done by the season 6 premier, but actually just finished the last episode of season 5 about five minutes ago.

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