Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Biden Photo That Applies to Everything

I've been having a very phone-based-stress-filled  week.  It started when my phone decided to have a hardware malfunction that is irreparable, then slightly improved when I got a good deal on a replacement phone that has double the storage size.  Today, however, it took a nose dive when my phone company cut my service because I hadn't paid 200 dollars worth of charges I was promised I wouldn't have to pay until the end of my billing cycle, which is May 28th. After paying 110 of that to reconnect my service so I could call and ask why I'd been shut off, I got absolutely no answers as to why I was charged this at this time, and just basically had what I asked repeated back to me. I called again, asking when I was expected to pay the remaining 100 dollars, so I don't have my service unexpectedly cut again. This time I was told the remainder of the charge wouldn't be due until May 28th, the date I was originally told. Hopefully, this will hold true because all bills are due on Friday, and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.

ANYWAY, in other non-whiney news, I finished a custom order of state stuffies for my roommate!

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