Sunday, April 28, 2013

Diabetic Owls

Aside from working in an environment where there isn't a pre-designated cry area in the back room, one of the main benefits of my current job is being able to rent books.  I used to have at least 15 books checked out at a time when I worked at the big store, but when  I transferred to a specialty location, I had planned on trying to keep that number to a minimum. Or, at least not renting books from the main store and just sticking to my store and the 'general interest' store on the same side of town (three doors down actually). But, alas, the main store is where all the literature and history books are, and the smaller location has a selection that matches it's size. So, I still shlep all these books back and forth on the bus. 

I was downtown last week returning some of my rentals when I remembered it was the release date for David Sedaris' newest book Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls. I was introduced to David Sedaris' work when I was in middle school by my grandpa. I'd been an avid writer by then  for several years, and his style came along at the right moment.  It was a time when I was being told by teachers the only acceptable thing for young people (girls) to want to write was melodramatic teen-centric fiction. I wrote differently, and was tired of being told to rewrite because it wasn't serious enough, or wasn't poetry, the other acceptable thing for girls to write.  Reading Me Talk Pretty One Day showed me that other people wrote satire successfully, and more over, there was an audience for it. Ha! Imagine that!

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