Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Costuming Bugs

While doing some research for a few stuffies I have in the works, I accidentally  fell ass-backwards into the world of costuming blogs!  I used to do some very, very basic historical costuming (like three things total over four years ). Due to limited resources and time, my favorite part was doing the research  and collecting images of the costumes I wanted to recreate, over the actual making bits. When you live in a one-Joanns-town, and work in the photo department of a pharmacy, it’s hard to get your hands on materials, money, and time to actually get down and make something out of the folders upon folders of saved images I had hoarded over the years.  I’ve always really admired those who were talented and dedicated enough to get shit done and make something! Also, super jealous of those who had somewhere to wear what they’ve made. It’s one of the reasons I love making my stuffies so much- I can make a range of costumes for limited money and time, and if I’m lucky, someone will buy them, so no storage!

Anyway, I feel like compared to a few years back when I was really into it, there are a ton more resources and blogging formats around now, which is a real double edge sword to someone like me.  Yay, more access to information! Boo, more time for me to waste! Either way, I’ve been suckered back into spending way too much time gleaning over costumes I wish I could make.

One of my main issues is that I don't have a "specialty" era, or even a favorite time period. In the past, I've been specifically interested in 18th century, dabbling in Civil War and Victorian, but right now I'm really feeling 19teens and '20s! Argh, who am I kidding, I love it all.

Here is a tiny tiny sampling of some outfits I've been storing away in the back of my mind.
Twill tailored suit with satin collar & corded bands. (1918)

I've lost the information on this one, but I believe it was either a tennis or sporting dress. Stripes!!!

High Styled Black Wool Bodice, c. 1900

1885-88 American tennis, yachting or seaside dress

Military Uniform | Metropolitan Museum | c. 1916-1918

 Middy Blouse, Sears Roebuck, 1921

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