Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Gwynnie Bee: Netflix for Clothes

A few weeks I became aware of and signed up for Gwynnie Bee, a service that is like Netflix for plus-sized clothing. Now, this isn't a fashion blog, but as a fat person, anything that is positive in the plus-sized clothing world is important to me. I grew up in a very small area that got it's first Target about seven years ago, and having been fat since I was in late elementary school, it was always an issue to find clothing. Luckily I was able to travel out of state to do clothes shopping for school, but not everyone can do that.  

Gwynnie Bee's motto is "Clothing without Commitment", because you fill your online "closet" and according to whichever plan you have, they send you a certain number of items via mail, you wear them, then mail them back! It's a great way to try out new styles without actually having to purchase them.

Coming from my background, what is most exciting for me is that it is a whole new opportunity for plus sized folks who live in the middle of batshit nowhere, but don't have access to it. This is revolutionary!

It's a bit pricey, but they offer a free trial period for one month. I signed up and received my first item yesterday. I was a bit weary on their sizing, so I ended up ordering a size too big, but whatever it's free and I will just send it back anyway. That's the whole deal!

Everyone who reads this knows I'm not exactly rolling in the Oprah scratch, but once I find that ellusive second job, I'll definitely be signing up for the paid service.  The program is one of the smartest ideas I've heard in a long time and I'm so excited that it's just for plus sizes. We are neglected more often than not, so it's exciting when a great idea comes to fruition for us.

Like I said earlier, this isn't a fashion blog by any stretch of the imagination, mainly because I usually end up wearing the same three things everyday, and I'm stuck with dungeon lighting and an iphone, but since the post is about a clothing company thing, I figured I'd throw in a bleached out, shit quality picture. I accidentally cut the top of my head off, so enjoy my lower face region.

(Polka Dot Sailor Top- Gwynnie Bee)

Now before you go, hey wait this looks photoshopped as hell, you're right- my lighting was terrible, and the cat was doing something... odd in the background so I just made the couch cover him up and did a shit job matching the floor. But I really wanted to post a picture- that's how excited for the program I am.
Anyway, I think photoshopping outfit pictures is jacked, so I went ahead and in the spirit of abusing photoshop,  took the liberty of shooping myself into a few other situations, featuring the top half of my head.




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