Thursday, September 26, 2013


I was originally going to post a halloween update, but I'm sick and grouchy, so allow me to bitch and moan about how, due to the ridiculous scheduling practices of my second job that completely ignore the needs of it's employees, if I can't give away some of my hours (which is not looking likely), I will be working at least a month without getting a day off.
I know everyone is saying, you wanted a second job, you should be happy to be getting any hours at all.
Well, fuck that shit.
I need a damn day off. One day out of thirty. One day.
Meanwhile, there are other people at that store, in my department, who are parents, who only have one job, ect, ect, who are only receiving the bare minimum hours (if they get any at all). I need hours. But I don't need ALL the hours. I have two jobs, I do not want to be having to work 60 hours a week, because I do not need 60 hours a week. Other people NEED those hours to survive. It makes me so angry. It is so unfair to everyone involved. I'm thankful for the hours I need, but having too many is grinding me into the ground. If that makes me ungrateful, or whiney, then I guess that's how I am.

I've applied to a couple other places, but am so tired when I get home, I have no energy. Looking for a job is in itself a full time job.  I really need to get on it though, because I do not want to be at the second place through the end of november, as it is required that every employee work a ten hour shift on black friday. I'd rather be hit by a truck than be in that level of hell for ten hours (my shift would probably be 6 AM-4PM, and I'd have to take a cab to get there, since my bus doesn't run that early) THEN go to the bookstore to close.
 I applied for a position at the bookstore that will give me four more hours a week there (that was originally rumored to be a full time position, but that turned out to be just that). THAT'S the job I want to work full time for! Not the shithole that is the other store! Argh!

I will be updating with more 2SPOOKY2013 things in the near future, but I just needed to vent about this for a while. I've had a rough few weeks, and it seems as though it will stay there for an unspecified amount of time. 

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