Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day! (Exactly Two Months To Halloween)

While you're enjoying your day off this Labor Day, take a sec to think about the Labor Movement that allowed it to happen!
Like your weekends? Thank your Union!
Like having sick time? Thank your Union! 
Like not having to work 14 hour days? Thank your Union!

 As a retail worker for both unionized and non-union companies, I have come to appreciate the union even more than I thought I did, having been brought up to have a somewhat romantic, Pete Seeger-fueled notions of the Labor Movement.  The contrasts between my union and non-union jobs are stark, and the union job is infinitely better, with no small thanks to the fact that it is organized. 

I know that it will probably never happen, due to the way our economy is set up, but I hope to one day see all retail workers be able to organize.  Despite what non-retail workers seem to think, retail jobs are difficult- they are extremely physical, they deal with the worst of society, and are always paid the least.  And, nowadays, they are the only jobs a huge majority of the population can get.  Some people seem to take the idea that people who work these meager jobs are stupid, lazy, and less-than in many other ways, despite the fact that it's been proven time and time again that a huge chunk of retail workers are adults with degrees. Retail is not just for teenagers any more. This is how people are forced to make their living, and they should be kept safe and protected from exploitation while they're doing so.


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