Friday, September 27, 2013

Day Three of Guaranteed Seven Day Cold/Bird Flu/Rubella

    Yesterday I started on a 2SPOOKY2013 update but got sidetracked due to the amount of nyquil I had taken and raged about how awful my job is instead.   I called in sick to the bookstore (I was going to be a real american and soldier through, but after making it through only an hour and a half of the second job before hiding in the back room wheezing from what I'm assuming is SARS or the final remains of swine flu, I wussed out and called in. Isn't working while contagious the best??!?), and should have called in to the second job too, but I didn't want to deal with the drama-laden hassle.

    Anyway, I will post what I had originally intended to post yesterday right now.

    I've had a few hang ups when it comes to the fabric, as usual, every damn time. I had originally wanted the main dress to be dark blue or navy with red accents. I was worried it might look sailor-y but it looked pretty solid in my head. I went to Joann's three different times and was unable to make a decision on fabric. I finally ended up deciding on a dark blue polyester peachskin that had an ok drape and was a nice color. It was more per yard than I wanted to spend, since I'm winging it and need to buy more than I really need, that kind of put a ding in my plan.


   I had a coupon, but since it was already on sale for a smaller percentage off, I couldn’t use it, and since it wasn’t really what I had in mind,  I ended up not getting it and going to Fabric Depot just to see what they had. Fabric Depot, while more expensive, has everything. EVERYTHING.  Everything, except a dark blue fashion fabric. None. The one blue they had was a bright royal blue, which screeched bad packaged “Miss High Seas Hottie” costume. My next choice was black, which could work with my theme,  but I was afraid the black/red combo would end up being something I would have been really into in junior high, which is a time in my life I wish to not revisit.  The only other fabrics they had in a weight I could work with were a medium grey and a hot pink. 
    By this point, I’d been in the store waffling between the Ho of the Sea blue and My Chemical Romance approved black for an hour and a half (though a good portion of that was also spent poring over every other piece of fabric looking for an apparently mythical black on white windowpane check. IT DOES NOT EXIST).  After a hour bus ride to get there, plus the knowledge that there was a Burgerville across the street and that it was sweet potato fry season, I gave up and just got the grey.
     It’s not my original first choice, but I think it’ll be fine. I’ve had to give up on my idea of the windowpane check inset, because as previously mentioned, it is a figment of my imagination and apparently does not actually exist in reality.  However, I did manage to get some free sample drapery fabrics from my second job in some interesting deco-ish patterns on similar grey backgrounds, so I’m going to mess around with those and see if I can incorporate any of them into it to jazz it up a bit.  There is enough that I may end up making the skirt out of the pattern and leave the bodice the plain grey.  Still no idea what to do with the inset.


 A few days ago, I made up the beginning of my pattern, and it came together pretty fast. October is just around the corner, so I really need to get my ass in gear and get going on this thing.

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