Thursday, May 22, 2014

Midweek Favorites: Party Like it's Sometime About Twelve Years Ago


   If we were to travel back through the mists of time AmazonTrail-style to the year 2001, you’d most likely find me combing over retail websites, waiting for the dial-up images to load chunk by chunk , adding products to my ongoing, handwritten wishlist that I kept next to the computer.  That’s right, folks- I was ahead of the Pinterest curve by like thirteen year. Instead of having a great assortment of photographs, I had my shitty handwriting meticulously cataloging item descriptions, websites and price points.  Don’t me wrong, I also had various scrapbooks of things I would cut out of magazines, or print off from my dad’s work computer and paste into moleskine books BACK IN THE DAY when they only sold hardcover journals and they were like $8.99, but that’s beside the point.
Today I stumbled upon a website that not only had high real estate on that list, but I has also completely forgotten existed: GIRLPROPS.


I can’t believe they’re still around, and though I never ordered anything from them-because I was twelve- I had many favorites from this discount jewelry/weird crap website back in the day (and they are definitely still selling some of them. Oh man).

Look at these gems (I'll leave the original titles I saved the pictures under, because I feel you should be aware of my late night thought process);

saddle pin

cat rangs

wang gs


Nautical Bar Pin

There’s something so circa-2003 about this site, it’s incredible. Maybe it's the zebra print logo. Maybe it's the heavy selection of leg chains. Whatever it is, it's still working for me.  And more incredibly, I remember seeing them in big time magazines over the years.  I want to actually order something fromthem and see. Add it to the “when I’m rich” list.


  1. Speaking of 2001, just yesterday I was Googling for something and one of the results landed me on a forum page from that very year. I'll admit, I did a doubletake on the date because it suddenly struck me that was 13 years ago and three full years before I had my first computer (I'd used them before, but didn't own one until I was 19). The web has now been with us for a generation's worth of time and though always cutting edge in so many ways, is developing its own special brand of nostalgia that I can't help but smile over and enjoy.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. 2001 is such ancient history in Internet years! It's hilarious to stumble on web content from anything before 2004. Hell, even 2009 can feel dated!
