Saturday, May 17, 2014

Quick Chat

I did not intend for this blog to become a "let's listen to be talk about tv" blog, but it seems to have veered that way for the time being, doesn't it?


The tv series is supposed to be based on the characters of the novel Red Dragon, and is seen as a sort of prequel to the novel series, and it's been fairly solid on that. As a fan of the book series, I was a little confused as to why they had introduced the Verger storyline so early in the timeline (Margot and Mason Verger don't show up until Hannibal the novel), but they have taken creative license with other plot points, so I was just going with it. Then I remembered that Verger's appearance and situation in the novel was due to a "therapy session" with Hannibal that is unexplained in the books and I realized they were doing the backstory to that storyline and boy... BOY. I won't go into it for spoiler reasons, but this past episode was insane. Everything that this show does right was in this episode. It was suspenseful and deeply disturbing while maintaining it's trademark visual beauty.

I cannot wait to see what happens next in the series, and I'm excited that it's been renewed for a third season. Sometimes I can't believe it was even greenlit in the first place, but I'm so happy that it's been getting the ratings it deserves!

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