Sunday, June 29, 2014

BBC's Land Girls

I recently have been spending a lot of time scouring job listing and housing listings and more job listings on the computer, and I typically have a show that I've watch a lot running on netflix in the background as a white noise of sorts. I saw "BBC's Land Girls" on there, which I've seen mentioned on several blogs before, so I decided to put it on instead of Arrested Development again. I admittedly don't know a ton about World War II, but am interested in it, and I really like watching things on it from non-American points of view.

Replete with dramatic star-crossed romances,  fist-fights, swarthy Italian POWs, and fist-fights with Italian POWs,  the plots are a bit melodramatic, but entertaining none-the-less. It's sort of like Downton Abbey twenty-five years later, if Americans GIs have taken over the Abbey and there's a farmer who keeps a pig named Chamberlain in the house.

The costumes are really the best part of the series. It's a side of the 1940s era clothing rarely mentioned- much more accessible than the dresses and suits usually thought of as 1940s fashion. Floral and patterned blouses paired with corduroy breeches, overalls and lots of fair isle sweater vests.  I also really like how the townspeople's clothes are a bit threadbare and worn, as they would have been in the "make do and mend" era.

Here are some photos of real Women's Land Army "Land Girls"

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Etsy Update; a return to regular blogging soon

Just another quick Etsy update:
I've created a facebook page for the shop, so feel free to like it! I'll be directing shop promotion over to the Blind Cat Vintage page specifically, as to not clog up my personal feed.

I've since started listing some of my pattern collection, which cover the 50s up through the 80s. Clothes for men, women, and kids, plus a range of sizes are offered!

I'm planning on trying to get back into regular blogging sooner than later. I've been trying to really get a lot of stuff up on etsy, since I had to pull everything out of the storefront I had it in, and don't have room for it, nor do I want to have to move it! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

NEW- Blind Cat Vintage Store Opening 

In addition of my etsy shop that sells handmade items, I recently opened a store front to sell some of my vintage finds.  I only have one thing listed so far, but plan on adding more very soon!


Remember this? I'm sad to let it go, but with the moving mess happening, I can't keep carrying things around with me.
Circa 1950s Royal China "BUCKS COUNTY" Casserole Dish. I've had a really hard time finding others like it (the one I did find online was being sold for $200!).
Very good vintage condition, with a few chips on the bottom dish and some small brown spots on bottom of one of the handles.
Click on the photos for more information.

Blind Cat Vintage is, of course, named after my blind cat Kippy, who lives in California.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life update

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging lately, and this temporary hiatus will likely continue for a bit into the future. I've recently and am currently been sliding face down the side of shit mountain into the ravine of, well, shit. Long story short, I have been put in a dire and cyclical housing/job mess of a situation by my whackadoo roommate who informed me with fifteen days' notice that  she would be moving out at the first of the month, effectively evicting me from my house because I can't afford to pay her half of the rent.  That has since been pushed back by her non-action, but I'm still stuck in a very precarious situation and need to leave as immediately as possible. This is, of course, hindered by the fact that I can't seem to get anyone on the face of the earth to hire me for a second job, or a full time position.

All of that being said, it's safe to say that I've been otherwise occupied, furiously trying to get hired anywhere, and find another place to live. I have been generously offered places to stay, which I may have to take the offers up on, but it's very important to me to at least try to find my own place first.

I'm hoping that once things settle down, whenever that may be, I'll get back into blogging more regularly. I'm trying to think of some prompts, or recurring posts I could work on to keep myself on a blogging schedule. I really enjoy blogging and writing, and I really want to get back into being more serious about it, and I think having ideas to write about will help me focus and get into a rhythm.

I'm still going to be pretty active on Pinterest because it's on my phone and a good way to waste time while waiting at bus stops, so you can follow me and the stupid stuff I like there in the interim!

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Pleasure of Your Company...

   The bookstore that I work at is basically a cookbook store, and a mostly used one at that. We get quite a few vintage and antique cookbooks in, and I must say they are hilarious. Disgusting and hilarious. So many mayonnaise doused fruit salads, so little time. 

Look at how beautiful that house is. Please let me live there.

One of my favorites that’s come through has got to be Betty Crocker’s party themed Hostess Cookbook date of 1967. Offering a “wealth of ideas for today’s entertaining” and more than 400 “guest-tested recipes”, it addresses the ”Hesitant Hostess” , easing her worries about throwing the perfect get together for her husband and his important colleagues, her girlfriend, and even that bitch next door who everyone secretly hates.  We’re certainly glad you could come, indeed.

I have to say, I love this book. It is like a time capsule in the best and worst possible way, and despite the traditionally terrible cookbook photographs, I’m sure some of the food is quite good.  But god, some of it is so bad. For example,
Hurry Hurry Ham:
ham+cherry sauce= :(

Don’t have time to make anything? Slather a piece of ham in some cherry pie filling and call it a day.

saucy saucy stroganoff

And some of it probably isn’t that terrible taste-wise. Just in name:
Dipsy Devil: when you only have a jar of cheese and a can of ham, reach for Dipsy Devil- every time. 

monosodium glutamate: the winner's seasoning

Unfortunately, it’s not in this book, but another favorite ‘recipe” I’ve found (I believe it was in the Betty Crocker Cooking for One or Two book circa 1964) was for Hot Potato Chips, where you literally take potato chips and heat them in an oven.  Amazing.

I take my grapes with mayonnaise, thank you
The best part of this book is how it’s broken up by party theme. Each party has a little description, party enhancements and serving suggestion, which is literally suggesting how to serve the food. The Mexican Medley party suggests:
"And if someone plays the guitar, urge him to bring it along to accompany a folk-song fest" 

My favorite, and most telltale of its time, is the Buckingham Dinner:

Hell's Bells Trudy! Make me a roast that won't embarrass me!

Make a roast for your husband to impress his friends with his carving skills. But, if he can’t carve a roast, do all these extra steps and spend more money to make a rolled roast so he doesn’t embarrass himself! 

I can JUST SEE Trudy Campbell doing all this shit for Pete, because he’s a putz and she knows it, but doesn’t want him to make an ass of himself in front of Harry Crane, ugh.

It's got a ton of charming illustrations and loads of glistening hams.  The cookbook photography industry has made leaps and bounds, and thank god. 

I love vintage cookbooks, especially Mid-century editions. They are new enough to use color photography, yet old enough to be embarrassingly quaint and unrealistic. But then again, I see the same frankly stupid  expectations in cookbooks released today!

Oh dayuumm I knew I was on to something with my reaching Mad Men references: Look what's lurking in Betty Draper's kitchen.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Can't See For Miles and Miles

    So, I went to the eye doctor yesterday to finally get my glasses, only to be told that I have 20/20 vision and don't need them.
Ok, so why can't I see shit at a distance then.
    I'm going to go back in a few months when I'm (hopefully) more financially stable, or perhaps to another place.  I guess most people would be happy to not have to wear glasses, but I feel like I can't see as well as I should.

   Anyway, remember a few posts ago when I was bitching about how I can never find any actual vintage stuff at thrift stores and how I have no idea how other people have luck/wizardry/witchcraft on their side when they do? Well, I finally found something! In the men's department, no less. Behold my ugly ass late 60s groove-jazz sweater! Ahh!

 Please excuse the grainy photos. It's very dark in the house today and I had to stand on a barstool chair to get high enough to get everything in the picture with my phone. I'm a mess.

It's that perfect lime/baby shit/Ted Chaough green that screams 1969 by Towncraft- for the discriminating gentleman whose wife shops for him at JC Penney.

Ted Chaough- The Adman We Want, The Turtleneck Collection We Need.

Yeah yeah yeah, it's a sweater, and we're about ankle deep in the gross hot months, and I'm supposed to be buying clothes that aren't 100% acrylic, but it's not black! So I'm like eighty percent there.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Because I'm a Hologram

Welp, after 6 years of being an Oregon registered voter, they found me, and I'm stuck in jury duty for at least the next two days. Luckily I brought my kobo tablet and doubly luckily they have Wi-Fi, became the books I brought are not doing it for me.

    As much as I love vintage stuff and thrift shopping, I find the true "thrift stores" in the area lacking when it comes to clothes. Vintage stores often pose a series of problems to me, specifically the rarity of items both in my size and my meager price range. Also, I know this isn't very groovy of me, but sometimes I like buying new items. Not just new-to-me, but new to anyone. Something that I don't have to try and get stains out of because it was literally the only thing I could find and I need pants now.  Buuut again, broke, so that doesn't happen often.  I window shop a lot and hope for something similar to pop up in a goodwill, and eeeeevery great once in a while a baby Jesus miracle happens and I find it later (case in point, a pair of leopard print chelsea boots I had originally bought the black version of after hemming and hawing over at Target. I decided on the black because I thought I'd get more wear out of them. I eventually went back to buy the leopard print ones and they were gone. The black ones wore out really fast, and I kept seeing replacements in thrift stores, but never in my size. After two years, I randomly came across a pair of the leopard print ones, in my size, with the tags still on. They have just officially worn out after lasting almost a year longer than the black ones. I'm bummed, I will never find them again.), but that is a rarity.

   In my quest to lighten up my wardrobe for spring/summer, I've been searching for inexpensive things that are made of lighter fabric- both weight and color. I typically wear dark and jewel tone colors, as they are my favorite, but they get so gross during summer. Also, I usually am more of a fan of fall and winter trends, but one thing that I've seen a bit is a kitschy-without-being-sugary fruit trend that I think I'm on board with if done right. More mid-century Resort than 90s Spice Girl.

  Yesterday, I went into Target for no reason other than to waste time and found a bunch of things with pineapples on them. Whaaat?!


  I've been saving a lot of money by trying to bring food to work from home, so I listened Tom and Donna's clarion call to TREAT YO SELF. They were also all on sale, so I decided to go with the sweater, as I think I'll get the most wear out of it. Several of my sweaters are starting to be unrepairable, and I think it's lighter color will go a long way in if not preventing, postponing major swampage as the temperatures start to get up in the disgusting above 70s. I wore it today and already got several non-creepy compliments. I want to go back for the shirt too. SO PINEAPPLEY

I'm hoping that they don't sell well, and wind up in Goodwill, as I've often seen Target deadstock dumps do (though I've started to see Goodwill pricing them above what they sold at on clearance at Target. Seriously?!)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Friends, Waffles, Work

Quick Etsy news:

I've listed my Ben and Leslie stuffies!





Ben available here!
Leslie available here