Sunday, June 29, 2014

BBC's Land Girls

I recently have been spending a lot of time scouring job listing and housing listings and more job listings on the computer, and I typically have a show that I've watch a lot running on netflix in the background as a white noise of sorts. I saw "BBC's Land Girls" on there, which I've seen mentioned on several blogs before, so I decided to put it on instead of Arrested Development again. I admittedly don't know a ton about World War II, but am interested in it, and I really like watching things on it from non-American points of view.

Replete with dramatic star-crossed romances,  fist-fights, swarthy Italian POWs, and fist-fights with Italian POWs,  the plots are a bit melodramatic, but entertaining none-the-less. It's sort of like Downton Abbey twenty-five years later, if Americans GIs have taken over the Abbey and there's a farmer who keeps a pig named Chamberlain in the house.

The costumes are really the best part of the series. It's a side of the 1940s era clothing rarely mentioned- much more accessible than the dresses and suits usually thought of as 1940s fashion. Floral and patterned blouses paired with corduroy breeches, overalls and lots of fair isle sweater vests.  I also really like how the townspeople's clothes are a bit threadbare and worn, as they would have been in the "make do and mend" era.

Here are some photos of real Women's Land Army "Land Girls"


  1. I plowed through this in one day and I agree, the costumes were the best part, though I do love me some Nathaniel Parker, I won't lie!

    Have you watched Bomb Girls? It's similar, but lasted longer.

  2. The costumes were such a refreshing take on that decade! I haven't watched Bomb Girls yet, but it's been on my radar for a while now.
