Sunday, June 22, 2014

Life update

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging lately, and this temporary hiatus will likely continue for a bit into the future. I've recently and am currently been sliding face down the side of shit mountain into the ravine of, well, shit. Long story short, I have been put in a dire and cyclical housing/job mess of a situation by my whackadoo roommate who informed me with fifteen days' notice that  she would be moving out at the first of the month, effectively evicting me from my house because I can't afford to pay her half of the rent.  That has since been pushed back by her non-action, but I'm still stuck in a very precarious situation and need to leave as immediately as possible. This is, of course, hindered by the fact that I can't seem to get anyone on the face of the earth to hire me for a second job, or a full time position.

All of that being said, it's safe to say that I've been otherwise occupied, furiously trying to get hired anywhere, and find another place to live. I have been generously offered places to stay, which I may have to take the offers up on, but it's very important to me to at least try to find my own place first.

I'm hoping that once things settle down, whenever that may be, I'll get back into blogging more regularly. I'm trying to think of some prompts, or recurring posts I could work on to keep myself on a blogging schedule. I really enjoy blogging and writing, and I really want to get back into being more serious about it, and I think having ideas to write about will help me focus and get into a rhythm.

I'm still going to be pretty active on Pinterest because it's on my phone and a good way to waste time while waiting at bus stops, so you can follow me and the stupid stuff I like there in the interim!

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