Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Can't See For Miles and Miles

    So, I went to the eye doctor yesterday to finally get my glasses, only to be told that I have 20/20 vision and don't need them.
Ok, so why can't I see shit at a distance then.
    I'm going to go back in a few months when I'm (hopefully) more financially stable, or perhaps to another place.  I guess most people would be happy to not have to wear glasses, but I feel like I can't see as well as I should.

   Anyway, remember a few posts ago when I was bitching about how I can never find any actual vintage stuff at thrift stores and how I have no idea how other people have luck/wizardry/witchcraft on their side when they do? Well, I finally found something! In the men's department, no less. Behold my ugly ass late 60s groove-jazz sweater! Ahh!

 Please excuse the grainy photos. It's very dark in the house today and I had to stand on a barstool chair to get high enough to get everything in the picture with my phone. I'm a mess.

It's that perfect lime/baby shit/Ted Chaough green that screams 1969 by Towncraft- for the discriminating gentleman whose wife shops for him at JC Penney.

Ted Chaough- The Adman We Want, The Turtleneck Collection We Need.

Yeah yeah yeah, it's a sweater, and we're about ankle deep in the gross hot months, and I'm supposed to be buying clothes that aren't 100% acrylic, but it's not black! So I'm like eighty percent there.

1 comment:

  1. That is adorable!

    And I totally understand trying to buy weather appropriate weather, but with vintage it's hard!

