Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Brief Explanation

One of the reasons I've been away from blogging was a brief health scare I had starting about a week ago. I had random pains in my lower leg that wouldn't go away, so I finally caved and went into Zoomcare to check everything out. I'm very bad about googling symptoms, but I held out this time- however, I already knew that leg pains have a chance of being circulatory problems, or worse, blood clots. Because I'm a big person, I always assume that I'm unhealthy. And also because I'm poor and until recently, uninsured, I couldn't go to the doctor, and so I never had a way of knowing if I actually was or not.

I was put on a federal insurance through the Affordable Care Act because I do not qualify for the insurance through my place of work (which is so good it's almost stupid), and cannot really afford any other insurance. The downside of this is that barely anywhere will take me. I had to call several imaging places to find one that would take my insurance, and even through that one, I have no idea how much they will actually cover, if any, as my "primary care provider", who I don't know and have never seen didn't order the test. We will see.   I feel like I should consider myself lucky to at least have some insurance, but when it's almost impossible to use due to no one accepting it, it's hard not to feel like it's a joke. I am deeply passionate about universal health care- everyone has a right to see a doctor when they need to- but it needs to be universal health care that actually provides care.

Anyway, I went into Zoomcare, who did not take my insurance, and the doctor said everything was most likely fine, but ordered an ultrasound just to be sure. I went in today and had the procedure. I'm clot free! I most likely over exerted my leg, and that's why it's sore. On one hand, I'm very relieved, but on the other, annoyed that I have spent money I do not have for no reason.

I did find out, however, that I have very good blood pressure and that I am otherwise actually healthy.  The doctor didn't immediately jump on me about my weight, and didn't automatically blame every problem on that factor, as I have had happen in the past. It was very refreshing to feel like the doctor actually was listening to me instead of them just seeing a fat person and automatically going to " you're fat, that's the reason for all your problems".

In other news, I may have some good news coming in in the next few days. I will be updating when I get information, and hope to return to regular blogging soon.

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