Sunday, July 6, 2014

Dress Days of Summer

Well, I'm afraid it's officially summer here. Anyone who knows me knows my idea climate is 55 and overcast, but unfortunately to achieve that, I'd have to live in a meth-ridden hell hole,  so I've had to come to terms with the fact that the rest of the Earth has seasons, and at least one of those seasons is going to have temperatures over 70. Today, and for the next several days, it's hovering around the 90 degree mark- 35 degrees above my personal weather nirvana.

Anyone who knows me also knows that my finest pleasure in life, aside from mainlining Biscoff spread and $1.99 brownie cups from Fred Meyer, is perfecting the art of layering. Having grown up in the aforementioned meth-ridden hell hole, which wasn't always meth-ridden, but has always been precipitating every day solid from October to May, I learned the art of a fine layering system to stave off dampness.

But this 90 degree weather is no joke. The first year I lived here it was 107 for several days in a row. I was working at a job that required me to wear long sleeves and had ovens, and I was miserable. Then I'd come home to my upstairs apartment that had no air conditioning and would join the cat as she lay on the tile in the dark bathroom to wait for the rain to return.  The dedicated layering lifestyle is not for the weak.

The easiest way I've been able to cope this time around has been a sleeveless dress and a top- a two layer system that meets my requirements that still gives some airflow. My only problem is that I have two dresses- that's it. And they look almost identical. And both are black. And one is velvet, possibly, next to wool, the least warm weather friendly fabric.  I have concluded I need more dresses to fill out my weak wardrobe, especially since they can be worn into fall and through mild winters (LAYERING WINS AGAIN). Of course, I'm still broke as a... skunk (or whatever woodland animal rhymes with "broke"), but I've done a bit of internet window shopping.

Myrtlewood is a brand I discovered through Modcloth. They make a really nice selection of vintage inspired dresses, tops and skirts, and most items go up through a 4X! YAY! The only drawback is they are price-ay...


A brand that is pretty popular in some aspects of the plus size community is Asos. It can be hit or miss for me- it's very trend driven, and a lot of the things that are popular are very shapeless and dowdy in my opinion, though I've seen them on some people with the right styling and they look great on them.

Even more Modcloth. This website has really stepped up to the plate when it comes to acknowledging that people of all sizes exist and want to spend money.

modcloth by foxboro featuring a sheer blouse

A day late and a dollar short, this 4th of July color theme was not intended.  Everything pictured is available in plus size. I'm excited to say that we are making progress when it comes to selection for plus sizes, but it's not even close to being 100% there. I only hope that more companies realize the cash cow waiting for them when they decide to get off their asses and produce clothing for the rest of the population.

Click on pictures for product information!

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