Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Quick Post-Move Update

Hey everybody, I'm back and all moved in!

I was going to post something yesterday, but had to take a trip to the emergency room. About a week ago, I had a weird fluttering in my chest and some chest pressure. I called the 24 hour nurse and she didn't seem too concerned, but had me book a follow up appointment with my "primary care provider" that I was assigned to when I was put on this insurance. I tried to book an appointment with the doctor given to me, but she wasn't taking new patients.... So I was given a different doctor, who couldn't see me until the end of the following week.  My chest discomfort continued, and finally yesterday, after it had been coming and going for  a week, I called the tele-nurse again, who suggested I go to the ER.  I went in, and had an EKG, which was fine. There's nothing medically wrong with my heart or lungs, so it's probably anxiety.  Not surprising at all, since the amount of stress I've been under in the past year has been a lot to handle. The ER doctor was very nice (and even called me today to see how I was doint) and suggested I keep my follow up doctor's appointment for this Friday.  All I can say is that I hope my crappy insurance covers at least some of this mess... I'm still waiting to hear about the ultrasound I had about a month ago.

All that being said, I officially moved into my new place on Sunday, and it's great. My room is huge, easily twice the size of my room at the last place, and came with a desk that I can do sewing on! No more using a chair as a table!  I already sewed up a quick 1950s crop top from Simplicity 1462, which I am planning on writing a review of soon! It's great to be sewing again and having a space for all of my things!

The neighborhood I'm now in is on the complete opposite side of town and has a really different feel. It's more residential, with less stores around, but there's a Safeway and Walgreens within moderate walking distance, and the buses that run through are nice buslines with limited crazies.

I killed two birds with one stone on Sunday and went back after moving to clean my old room so I could just get out of there. I was sad to say bye to the cats, and I hope my old roommate gets her shit together and takes care of them, but I have a feeling they are going to get dumped at the humane society. I wish I could take care of them, but I can't, and I didn't bring my own cat or get new ones for that reason.  My new housemate has two doofy dogs who are really fun, but it makes me worry about the other cats. I'm sure if they do wind up at the humane society, they will get adopted soon, and maybe Sam the cat will finally get help losing weight.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your chest scare there! But yay for moving in!

