Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween- a Brief Update!

Even though I had high hopes for a week long SPOOKTACULAR, it, as usual, didn't work out the way I wanted to. I realized that along with the handmade costumes I had to (very tragically. I'm still upset about it) throw out during my move/black widow infestation, all my other "costume" stuff was in that tub too! Goddamn it!!

Anyway, tonight I'm going to a cemetery tour at my favorite cemetery. I've been trying to go for several years, and they finally brought it back! I've helped out with and participated in cemetery tours in my home area that were based on the one I'm getting to go to tonight, so I'm very excited to see how the "original" does it.

Luckily I work today, so I get an opportunity to wear my costume out. This is one of the first costumes were I didn't make any components of it, but it's an opportunity to show off some of the nuts-o stuff I find at thrift stores. The piece-de-resistance, a ridiculously shoulder-padded beaded duster, was one of my best thrift store scores ever. Thank you Halloween section at Goodwill! 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Home Economics... AND YOU!

One of my favorite books to find, aside from supremely outdated beauty books, are old Home Ec textbooks.  For some reason, the bookstore I work at gets them from time to time, and they are glorious. I've made a point to try and snag them right away, even though no one ever buys them and they languish in the general craft section (even though the only "crafting" they really have is usually very basic sewing instructions).

Along with basic sewing instructions and projects (much like the pajama pants and pillowcases made in modern home ec classes- when they existed anyway. They were discontinued from my school a few years after I graduated due to funding cuts),  they typically offer other useful information, ranging from stuff you could actually use like wardrobe planning, garment care, and color coordination to the oh-so-period respecting your parents, not being a huge slut, and "Learning More About Getting Along with Elderly People".  Most of the non-clothing construction advice tidbits are horribly judgmental and borderline cruel, basically boiling down to you, the reader, being the biggest disappointment to your friends and family if you wear too much make up or are too slovenly in your posture. They are awful, and they are my favorite.

The two that I have from the early 1960s really stand out in how far behind in fashion they are.  The one from the early thirties (originally published in the late 20s) shows fashionable sportswear for the time and generally offers good advice regarding wardrobe planning for a modern girl. The one from the 1967, though originally published in 1961,  shows up-to-date fashions for young women in it's color inserts. But the ones from the early 60s are so outdated, as if the teenage youth movement had never even happened. Obviously, this is what the publishers were going for- their "ideal" girl- but it's so square, it stands out to the modern eye. 

Here I will share some of my favorite excerpts from the books I have in my collection, both owned and borrowed.

Clothing for the High School Girl (1931)

Clothing Construction and Wardrobe Planning (1960 Edition)

What this one lacks in good outfit photos, it makes up for it in ridiculous illustrations.

Feminine daintiness includes the removal of underarm hair and the use of a deodorant

 There you go again, ruining everything for everyone because you wore the wrong clothes....

No make-up... half make-up... ready for anything

Teen Guide to Homemaking {Canadian Edition (1967)}

While Teen Guide to Homemaking has up-to-date fashion photos, it also has up-to-date life advice that looks like it came from the Betty Draper School of Being a Good Wife.  It's "Do's and Don'ts of Dating" column is great, along with it's lists of what boys like in a girl: "attractive and well-groomed, neat and clean, interested in a boy's hobbies, is modest but not shy and does not talk about previous other dates".

Being likeable is a goal of all young people

Clothes for Teens (1963)

I have previously featured this one, but I had to bring it back to bring back this college-bound goober.

I'm pretty sure this guy is like 43

Monday, October 20, 2014

Glitter Moons

This is an actual artist's rendering of my feet. Ok, clearly not, but like the Flintstones, I have wide ass feet that could propel a car if necessary.  Like the rest of my being, my feet are short but make up for it in width-  finding shoes is a nightmare.  As the rainy season sets in (finally aaaaaahh), I'm afraid my 1.5 pairs of flats won't cut it any more, and the boots I bought last year are hard for me to wear all day at work. Due to the width and falling on the upper end of the size spectrum, it's difficult for me to find shoes online and get them to fit when they arrive. So, I hit several stores today, willing to spend more than I normally would, and came up totally empty.  I have issues with having a perfect idea of something that I want, only to discover that idea a) doesn't exist or b) is going to cost me $500. I found a pair of glittery chelsea style rainboots on, but alas they aren't in stores in my area.  I may order them eventually and see if they fit, since they're fairly reasonably priced for boots... I'm just so used to being broke, that paying over $35 for anything is difficult. Blah blah blah, I know you pay more for quality, but breaking out of that shoes-or-food mindset is a hard thing to do.

 I eventually wound up at Target, and sort of settled on a pair of quasi-chelsea boots, and hopefully they'll stretch a bit and not cause me any issues. They also had several pairs of knee-high boots that featured elastic gussets that actually fit and zipped over my calves, which is a feat unto it's own, but due to my short legs, they were awkwardly over-the-knee-but-not-quite-enough-to-not-be-weird.  However, boot talk is not why I'm writing this post.

these are why I'm writing this post

Enjoy this exquisite photograph of my hand modelling.
Black tights with glittery stars and moons on them. This is everything I've always wanted.
They also had them in navy with silver moons/stars, plus black with gold pin dots and burgundy with some color pin dots, possibly silver.   Being the rolled up kind, they're not the best tights Target has to offer, but they were only six bucks!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Outfit: The Frontier

Hey look, an outfit post again.

Shirt: From my dad
Skirt: Goodwill
Beret: Isaac Mizrahi for Target, like 30 years ago
tights: Target
Loafers: Target
Necklace: Forever21

My dad got this shirt in a box of clothes old men's clothes that someone gave him several years ago. I'm assuming "The Frontier" was a bar, possibly the Frontier Chuckwagon Bar that was damaged in the 1964 tsunami that knocked out a lot of Crescent City. Not sure though.  I finally got new shoes that don't hurt my feet, but only after I discovered my old shoes had a huge hole worn through the bottom. Damn it! I found these loafers at Target and they're actually really comfortable. I may go back and get a second pair after payday!

Anyway, I've been on the continual hunt for stuff for my Halloween costume, and went to the Goodwill I used to live by, but didn't find anything. I was in the deep SE area of town, so I dropped by one of my favorite antique malls out that way, STARS. I found lots of stuff I'd like, but little I could afford. As usual!  I did finally find a Greek fisherman hat for under $10- the ones that I find are always either trashed or really expensive. It's so weird, since I see them all the time, just never in good condition. Also, I found this great velvet purse thing a few weeks ago at a Goodwill but never got around to posting photos! It was only $1.99!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thanking the Academy, &c

 A few days ago, I was nominated by Lucy over at The Carnabetian Army for the "One Lovely Blog Award"! My first nomination for any internet award ever! 
Thanks so much, Lucy!!
The Rules: 
1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog. 
2. You must list the rules and display the award. 
3. You must add seven facts about yourself. 
4. You must nominate fifteen other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated.
5. You must display the award logo and follower the blogger who nominated you. 
Seven Facts About Me:
1. Though I often refer to the Beatles as my first favorite band, the actual music that I was first a "fan" of when I was in early elementary school was 90s country, due to my dad playing in a country band. 
2. I only have ever read one Harry Potter book and didn't care for it.
3. Bill Hader's Alan Alda impression is one of my top five favorite things ever.
4. When I was a kid I wanted to be a forensic scientist or write for Saturday Night Live. Clearly, I'm currently doing both of those things.
5. I've had seven jobs in my life and have been at my current one the longest.
6. I collect Home Ec textbooks from the 1960s.
7. I once dressed up as my own dog for Halloween.

Since I'm super bad at nominating people for anything, I'm just going to do a list of blogs that I'm a fan of. I've been meaning to do a blogroll sidebar, so this is a good start! If someone on the list sees this post and wants to consider themselves nominated, then go ahead and do just that!

This is, of course, not even close to an exhaustive list. I follow so many amazing blogs, it's so hard to select just fifteen.

Thanks again for the nomination, and check out these great bloggers!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

2Spooky2014: The beginning

Sorry for the short hiatus, I've been house/dog sitting the past few days and have been very busy (two dentist appointments in four days! I'm an oral health champeen!).

Anyway, I've started to really make some progress on Halloween! After much waffling, I've decided to go ahead with my eccentric millionaire costume. I'm finally getting a chance to go to the Lone Fir Cemetery's Untimely Departures tour on Halloween after three years of missing it. 

As I've mentioned previously, I love generic, off brand Halloween costume names, and "Eccentric Millionaire" is right up that alley.  It's like "Kooky Kennedy Cousin" but less specific (and hoarder-y) with a mix of Lucille Austero and Colleen Donaghy mixed in.  So far I've been inspired by lots of layers, dark colors, fur trims, and weirdo head gear. I've found some pretty great pieces in the last few days at Goodwills of all places (where I normally find nothing??), and for cheap.

 Here's some inspiration images I've collected and, of course, made a Pinterest board about.

Catherine Baba




Willy Van Rooy


Pointer Sisters

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pattern Review: Octoberween Shift

Several weeks ago, I went into Joanns with good intentions. I was going to buy the pattern and black fabric for a dress I've been planning for a long time. Well, turns out the flyer I had was old, and patterns weren't on sale. So, I bought Halloween novelty fabric instead. I HAVE A PROBLEM, OK. 

Then it sat on my desk thing for weeks until this past Monday, when I got a wild hair and dug around in my patterns to see what I could do with it. I used to have a massive pattern collection that I sadly had to get rid of through my past few moves, so I don't have much in the way of options. Since I only got 2 yards of this fabric, my options were really limited. I decided on Simplicity 0508, which apparently has since gone out of print and has one lonely review on Pattern Review. That's insane! I have no idea why it bombed, as it was a very simple and straightforward pattern. I'm definitely going to remake it in the future, preferably the long sleeved version!

 Pattern Description: Misses/ Petite Miss Dress or Mini-dress with sleeve variations. 

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Surprisingly, yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes. A beginner could easily handle them. 

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? Very easy, quick to sew. They gave some nice finishing instructions, like bias tape on the armscye, which aren't always included.

Fabric Used: Witch cameo novelty print cotton.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: Several. Since it's so form fitting, I would typically used a size 22, but this pattern only went to a 20. I took out the fitting darts on both the front and back pieces and added a small strip of fabric on either side to give the dress a more 1960s "shift" style fit rather than the fitted style provided by the pattern. I used view E for the body of the dress but view B's sleeves to save fabric. I also used grosgrain ribbon instead of bias tape, as it was all I had.

Because I added the strips on the side, and forgot to taper them, the bust ended up being too big. In the future, I would not be a doof and forget to taper the sides to fit.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? I'm planning on sewing it again, specifically view C, with the balloon style sleeves. I'd recommend it, if you can find it.

dress: self made
cardigan: 1970s men's sweater, via goodwill
beret: Forever21

I meant to get a photo of me wearing it, but forgot. Here's the outfit I wore it with on my mannequin.
I was so happy with how it came out (despite the poor fitting top, due only to my error), and it was a very fast sew. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hungry Archery Girl Deluxe (With Wig)

 sexual corn for your viewing pleasure

Well, it's October 1st- let the onslaught of 2Spooky begin!
To ring in the new month, I've collected some of my favorite embarrassingly terrible unlicensed Halloween costumes. I'm not really sure what the big "thing" will be for this costume season- there hasn't really been a huge pop culture movement like previous years with Hunger Games, Game of Thrones, ect, ect. Anyway, enjoy the horror.


this is Elsa from Frozen, right?

Sci-Fi Furry
Chewie, no