Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thanking the Academy, &c

 A few days ago, I was nominated by Lucy over at The Carnabetian Army for the "One Lovely Blog Award"! My first nomination for any internet award ever! 
Thanks so much, Lucy!!
The Rules: 
1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog. 
2. You must list the rules and display the award. 
3. You must add seven facts about yourself. 
4. You must nominate fifteen other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated.
5. You must display the award logo and follower the blogger who nominated you. 
Seven Facts About Me:
1. Though I often refer to the Beatles as my first favorite band, the actual music that I was first a "fan" of when I was in early elementary school was 90s country, due to my dad playing in a country band. 
2. I only have ever read one Harry Potter book and didn't care for it.
3. Bill Hader's Alan Alda impression is one of my top five favorite things ever.
4. When I was a kid I wanted to be a forensic scientist or write for Saturday Night Live. Clearly, I'm currently doing both of those things.
5. I've had seven jobs in my life and have been at my current one the longest.
6. I collect Home Ec textbooks from the 1960s.
7. I once dressed up as my own dog for Halloween.

Since I'm super bad at nominating people for anything, I'm just going to do a list of blogs that I'm a fan of. I've been meaning to do a blogroll sidebar, so this is a good start! If someone on the list sees this post and wants to consider themselves nominated, then go ahead and do just that!

This is, of course, not even close to an exhaustive list. I follow so many amazing blogs, it's so hard to select just fifteen.

Thanks again for the nomination, and check out these great bloggers!

1 comment:

  1. Harry Potter isn't for everyone! Just like Twilight isn't for everyone!

    Also, I LOVE that you dressed up as your own dog one year! That is hilarious!

    GREAT list of blogs! You have included some of my favorites as well as some new ones!

