Monday, August 25, 2014

Midweek Favorites Episode III: Revenge of the Favorites

Guess what's back?!
Although its more of like a "things on my radar" or whatever than a "favorites" post, despite how stupid that sounds. Guess it's time for a new post header image

In the coming months  (SOON), both  Amy Poehler and Stephen Fry will be releasing memoirs.



When I was twelve, I was obsessed with Shakespeare, so much so that I named one of my pet mice Mercutio. What was wrong with me?

Modcloth is calling these "Look at This Phonograph", opting for a terrible Nickelback pun, I'm assuming, because RCA Victor charges a hefty price for "His Master's Voice"

All my life and/or boyfriend goals in one image

I can't shake my affinity for disco fashion, nor can I let the idea of "the evening pajama" go.

Everything Tatty Devine produces is both out-of-this-world amazing and expensive.

In the time since Robin Williams' passing, I've watched The Birdcage probably four times,and will most likely watch it several times more in the coming weeks.  Everything about this film is amazing, and fortunately, it's on Netflix!

Now that my life is settling down a little, but I'm really working on getting my ass in gear and improving the scheduling and content consistency of this blog. I'm personally not a huge fan of having the same recurring content every single week, but having a more structured format I think would help me with consistency...

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