Saturday, March 29, 2014

"You Must be Pulling My Lariat"

Bolo ties: Let’s talk about them.

New Wave Prom Elegance via the Duckman

The official neckware of the state of Arizona. The choice neckware of the official winner of my heart, Duckie Dale.  I feel like Burt Reynolds also wore one at some point during the ‘80s. The bolo tie has western wear origins and was adopted most recently (ie thirty years ago) by the Rockabilly revival. I’ve spent a lifetime trying to distance myself from modern country music/fashion/lifestyle after a brief childhood dalliance with mid nineties country music (FULL DISCLOSURE: my dad was in a country/western band and I was like 7), but I LOVE old Western fashion. The old Nudie Suits worn by the likes of Buck Owens and Porter Wagoner are insane and I would straight up wear one if I could pull it off. 

Now that's a suit!

Growing up in the FFA laden north coast of California, bolo ties are dime a dozen among old timers, but as I was recently discussing with a friend, they are a rare find in Portland.  I’ve always been shocked that they didn’t catch on with the hip crowd like bow ties did. I mean, what is more ridiculously ironic than goddamn bolo tie?!  Anyway, I’ve always kept an eye out for them locally, but they are truly difficult to come by within city limits. 

I’ve taken to etsy to see if what I could scrounge up, and surprisingly, there’s a pretty good assortment both newly made and vintage ties, plus a kit to make your own! Most are understandably western and square dance themed, but there's also a sort of weird selection of souvenir ties. I guess that's better than a lame shot glass.




Friday, March 28, 2014

The Ongoing Saga of

It's been ten days, so it must be time for a brief


Today, I had to dig the suitcase where I keep some clothes I don't wear, but can't get rid of (I'm working on it) out of the ant closet. One of the heavier trails had been leading back to that area of the closet, so I was really afraid they had hacked into the suitcase and were congregating in there. Well, I pulled it out and nothing! ANT FREE!

I think they're still living under my book case, as the flow to the trap on the bookcase is pretty steady (sometimes heavily so) but it looks like, as of now, they are no longer in the physical closet in large numbers.  I've noticed they are mainly along the outer perimeters of the walls now, leading me to believe they are going under the carpet and outside somehow. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the foundation of the house was shitty enough to allow them to do this.

Either way, I've noticed a pretty good decrease in ants just randomly about. I'd say there's been a 35% drop in the last two weeks, which is all I can ask for. Terro works at a slow and steady pace, and I think it's finally starting to take out large numbers.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I got a haircut!

During the bus ride to work yesterday, I decided that I needed to do something after work other than just going home to the ants and the cats. I've been feeling so generally blah and shitty, and I thought doing something spur of the moment might help. With the climbing temperatures, I don't want to be uncomfortable, nor do I want to get stuck in the rut of trying to find a way to wear my hair up all the time. Summer is my least favorite season, and being miserable because I'm sweaty and gross and on the bus only makes it worse.

I always go to the salon branch of a local chain barbershop that only does walk ins because it's easy. The services are good, but can be a little rushed. Today, though, I got a stylist who was super into vintage hair, and actually, finally, gave me a haircut I'm really really happy with! When I told her I do some vintage styling, she tweaked the cut I had a photo of to make sure I could still style it in a vintage way, and gave me some tips too! She really understood my hair type (super fine, wavy, but lots of it) and didn't fight it's texture like some stylists do.  Even though the cut is modern (I found the inspiration photo on pinterest, of course), I'm excited to see what vintage inspired styles I can do with it.

Of course it looked better when I got out of the barbershop yesterday than it does today. It was insanely windy today, all while waffling between pouring rain and 60 degree temperatures, and I had forgotten my hat. I missed a bus, and decided to walk instead of wait for forty minutes in what apparently is a gale tunnel, so the hair took a beating. 

I tried to take a picture with Sam, but he's a doofus and wouldn't cooperate. In this photo, he was falling off the couch. Heeeeee's kind of an idiot.

In other random news, I went to the bin (with zero luck. It was weird today. Creepy weird) and found a super '70s hanger from an old men's clothing store in Eureka that I vaguely remember but no longer exists. Ha! I can't escape it!

Upon a quick goole-roo, I found a brief article from the Clarke Museum about it, if you want to revisit Eureka in it's pre-meth, peri-logging heyday.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Five Year Plan (whiney post)

      I try to avoid posting to many “waaah my weary problems” blogs (ANTS ASIDE.), because when I read another person’s blog, I tend to do so as a refuge from having to think about my shitty problems. Sometimes I feel as though I complain a lot, and I want the internet to be a fun place where you can look up photos of cats and 1980s Harrison Ford, not a pity party pit where you  have to scroll through some dummy’s lame non-issues to get to the goods.  But, I’m about to drop one of those posts on this audience anyway, so I’ll leave you this here to save you some time before x-ing on out of this browser to go on with your day.

          As I briefly mentioned in an earlier post, I’ve been in a bit of a life slump lately. I’m feeling 1000% done with nearly everything in my life. This happens to me semi-frequently; about every two years, I can’t stand everything. I think for me, novelty must wear off in that amount of time, and I get stuck with real life shit going down- whether it’s working at a prostitute/john crack den meet-up location masked as a Starbucks like I was in 2010 when I bounced on Portland the first time around,  or currently struggling to find work, living with a crazy person in shitty part of town, feeling like my job has dead ended just before it was something I could survive on.  I understand very clearly that life isn’t floating through the years in pastel dresses taking instagram photos of food carts, nor do I expect it to be. I understand that “happiness” as people seek it is not real, and I don’t expect it to be. I understand it is not a constant state of blissful euphoria, and frankly that sounds exhausting.  I’m not an unhappy person, despite what people may think. But I am starting to feel very unfulfilled, for lack of a better word. I’ve very afraid of getting used to feeling generally mediocre about everything.  I need a change to happen.
      When I lived in Eureka, I spent all of my energy getting out, both times. Eureka is, to me, a gigantic, isolates suck pit, and I needed to get out. This was never more apparent than when I had to return.  Nothing had changed in the two years I’d been away. It had only gotten worse.  I have known from a very young age that I would not be staying in Eureka. When I was in elementary school, I imagined myself living in Santa Cruz, CA, then focusing on New York City and Boston. I visited Portland for the first time when I was in junior high, and it fit in perfectly with what I wanted to be. I fell in love with the weird and (at the time, to me,) unique Hawthorne neighborhood. I liked that it was a large city. Coming from a town of 27,000, the downtown area was very impressive to me. I decided then, that Portland was where I needed to be. And, after moving here at 19, it was where I felt like I fit in. I really loved it. I was devastated when I had to move away in 2010 due to financial and cat related issues, and spent the next 22 months in Eureka working a depressing job and living with my mom, focused on getting back to Portland.  When I was finally able to move back to Oregon, it felt great to be out of the dreariness of northern California.  It was great to be able to see my friends- the first ‘true’ friends I feel I’ve made in my life- again.  But it wasn’t the same. Portland didn’t hold the same sway over me, and now, nearly two  years after returning to Oregon,  I’m over it.
       I feel like Portland has changed a lot since I first came here, but I think its probably me who has changed.  I am no longer enchanted by it’s “weirdness”. I now find it less “weird” and more “precious” and “annoying”. I’m think a large part of it is that I work in the obnoxiously pretentious fixed—gear-bike-riding, homebrewing, New Seasons shopping asshole capitol of the city. All these things that are supposed to be the charm of the city make me want to pull my hair out.  Its like living in a Portlandia skit, and it is taxing.
       I know if I keep doing the same shit, nothing is going to get better for me. So, I’ve decided to set a five year goal. By the time I am thirty, my goal is to be no longer living here.  I don’t know where I will be, as I’ve never been out the west coast, except a school trip to New York that I was sick for most of.  I honestly don’t want to be on the west coast at all. I will not live in California again, unless something catastrophic happens. Seattle doesn’t really interest me either. I’ve thought heavily about Philadelphia and Boston in the past, along with Minneapolis and Chicago.  Over the next five years, I’m going to really work on getting my life in order, enough to be able to have visited other cities and find a place that I can be excited to live in.
      Two of my sub goals in this five year plan are to get some college under my belt and learn how to drive. I’ve applied for FAFSA and will be enrolling in the community college for this fall term. I used to stress out about paying for college, but the job market right now is so bleak, I’m tired of waiting to find another second job that I hate. I need to take action now to get out of retail. I really like my job at the bookstore, but I cannot work in customer service for the rest of my life.
     If I were to stay in Portland forever, I wouldn’t need to be able to drive, since the public transportation is fairly decent here, but I know that it is an anomaly when it comes to national public transportation. Not having a car, or the ability to drive, is a pain in the ass. It’s put serious limits on things I can do, and jobs I could get, and I think that it adds to my feelings of being trapped in this city.
       Who knows what will happen between now and 2019. I may change my mind and fall back in love with Portland.  I may finally find a full time position, either with my current company or elsewhere, move out on my own or in with a non-difficult person. But as of now, something needs to change, and I’m very motivated to work at improving my situations, seeing more of the country beyond the west coast, and finding a city that matches the pace I want to be at.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

He's Eating Them

      One of my favorite tv shows airing right now is, hands down, NBC’s Hannibal. As a prequel to the “Hannibal Lecter Trilogy” stories, it follows Will Graham, a former homicide cop turned lecturer  with an empathy disorder as he is roped into using his skills as a profiler for the FBI.  He is extraordinarily fragile, and he is informally assigned to food porn specialist/plaid suit wearer/psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter to monitor his mental well-being as he works the field. 

     This show has everything: Scandinavian horror folklore, paisley ties, dogs out the yang, elegant cannibalism.  It’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea- the first season struggled with ratings, and I have a feeling the current second season is probably doing much the same. I get why- it’s  not an easy show to watch. It’s gory, twisted and psychologically unsettling. I mean, the guy eats people. In everything. Everything is people.  

     But it’s also one of the most visually stunning shows on tv right now, especially on network tv. The cinematography is film industry standard quality.  Insanely graphic scenes of corpses speared on deer antlers are so beautiful, you can’t look away. 


The story telling is stunning as well, borrowing lines directly from and staying fairly true to its source material, the novels by Thomas Harris.  (Apparently Bryan Fuller, the show’s producer has seven seasons mapped out leading up to and overtaking “Red Dragon”, the first of the Hannibal Lecter series, focusing on Hannibal’s main character Will Graham life after tangling with Doctor Lecter. ) Mads Mikkelsen is sublime as Hannibal. That’s not a word I’m going to throw around pretty much ever again, but that’s the only word I can think of to describe what he brings to the table. The character of Hannibal Lecter is fascinating to begin with; a psychopathic cannibal with a taste for the finer things, he is insanely likeable. He loves beautiful suits, listens to beautiful music, has a beautiful office, makes deliciously beautiful food… er out of people.  It’s very easy to forget he’s the villain here. He's highly intelligent, manipulating those around him to frame fuzzy lost kitten Will Graham for horrendous murders he commits, all while feeding his victims to the highest level FBI agents and making cannibal puns left and right.

While singing Mads’ praises, I have to also give equal attention to Hugh Dancy as Will Graham. You may want to go to the Parisian opera with Hannibal, but you also want to wrap Will in a dog-print Snuggie and feed him hot non-person soup. 

Everyone in the cast is fantastic. I really love that Bryan Fuller has done some gender-swapping of the characters, specifically with  Freddie Lounds and Alana (originally Alan) Bloom. It’d be a very male-heavy cast if he stuck to the source material, and the addition of these female characters really works in the context of the story. 

All in all, I’m really hoping that it’s ratings pick up this season around and it continues through all seven seasons that are planned!

All images in this post are from here

Friday, March 21, 2014


EDIT: A friend at work mentioned that it looked like silk.  I had assumed it was polyester just because it was so gross, but when I got home from work, I burn tested it and it came back positive as silk. Who knew?! SUPER not bad for under a dollar! Now I'm very curious of the original piece's age.... 

 A couple posts ago, I mentioned that I was interested in participating in the Sew For Victory sew-a-long. I had picked out a modern dress pattern with a 1940s feel that I already owned, and  dropped by my local Joann to pick up some fabric. When will I ever learn? There was literally no fabric I could or would want to use for it, not to mention the prices have skyrocketed severely since I last did apparel sewing. So, for now, that's been back-burnered until I can get out to Fabric Depot/have money saved again (fabric money morphed into ant killing vacuum money.... c'est la adult vie).
   BUUUUT, I did get a bit of sewing done these past few days! On my last trip to the Bins, I found a nasty hot mess kimono laying on top of one of the fabric troughs. I very, very, very rarely will venture into the clothing bins.  I never had lice as a child and I don't plan on getting it now, so avoiding a slopbucket of clothes the Goodwill couldn't even peddle seems paramount.  I made exceptions for this kimono because I've been wanting one of those kimono style jackets that are so popular both currently and in the 1920s.  It was wrecked, and I didn't really notice how badly until I got it home and soaked/handwashed/soaked/sunwashed/machine washed/handwash again-ed it. One of it's sleeves was missing. The main material (I'm assuming it's polyester or acetate or something.) had shatters/holes all over. The hem was super stained and dirty. All in all, I can see why someone dragged it out of the abyss and left it on top, but the total cost for it wound up being like 83 cents, so I couldn't pass it up.
   I ended up hacking off a huge amount of the bottom and making a second sleeve out of the remaining material that wasn't too dirty.  As I worked with it, it disintegrated even more, so I tried to reinforce all the main seams with machine stitches. It's in one piece, but still very delicate. I had to had patch a bunch of small holes (and one huge one that I accidentally hacked into it. Eeeee), but it feels like it's wearable now?!  I'm pretty excited! It'll be a great edition to my Dapper Friday wardrobe, which I'm slowing decided to just make my every day wardrobe. Baby steps.

It's very dark in the house today, but when I opened the blinds it was too bright?! Ah, iPhone photography. Anyway, enjoy these grainy weird pictures.

( It hangs a lot better on the body than my dress form)
I didn't even think to take before pictures, but it was a wreck. 

These photos don't do the fabric justice. It's a deep plummy maroon that is a bit changeable with a gold cast.

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how it came out! I'm very much  back into apparel sewing mode, which I've been out of for years.  I wish I had more room, as I'm currently working in a space about three by four feet that is carpeted (it suuuucks), but I'm looking into getting a tv tray that I can work on my machine with. Currently I'm using my chair as a table for the machine and am sitting hunched over on the edge of my bed, and it's killing my back!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Nerfherder: Favorite Finds

I've been feeling kind of bleh lately. Combining the never ending ant problems, not a second job in sight,  weird shit happening at the job I do have, and my difficult roommate, I've been finding myself looping back into apathetic negativity.  While moving stuff around to vacuum the ant trails a few days ago, (which I need to do again tomorrow- yesterday I only saw a few here and there, but today after coming home from work they're everywhere again. I'm guessing until it's resolved, I'm going to have to clean them up every other day), I found a bunch of DVDs hiding on a shelf, including my Star Wars set! While the series as a whole is both dumb and brilliant at the same time, I have a deep rooted love for it. All of it.  As a whole, it's stupidly polarizing, and bringing it up is like opening Pandora's Box of nerd politics, so I rarely mention it. I remember going to see the original trilogy upon theater re-release when I was eight or nine, and I wish I could remember what it was like to see it for the first time. It was really magical and weird to a kid who wasn't into sci-fi or fantasy, and it's truly a story with a lot of heart. Of course, there are things that could be improved upon, but serious... get over it. Everything could be improved upon in some way.  I'm not interested in hearing a four hour dissertation on a minute Extended Universe detail, or why the kid was terrible (he just was, get over it!), or bitching about Lucas' writing skills. Of course the originals are better than the prequels, but without them, we'd never know that R2D2 had rockets! Rockets!
Most of all, the series is a wonderful means of escapism. It's doofy, sweet, and ambitious. It's funny. It's annoying. Han Solo is there. It's just all around great. 

All that being said, once I found the DVDs, I watched the first three films right away (aaaand the Robot Chicken Star Wars Special. Twice). I don't watch the series often, and frequently go years in between viewings, so it's kind of fresh each time I watch it (though, turns out,  I still have most the original series memorized). And, because it's been around for so long and has such a universal appeal and following, even after the movies are over, the source material continues online. I did a tiny bit of Pinterest and etsy scrounging and found some amazing things that I definitely want and certainly can't afford. 

Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?! Everything in this shop is insane. I want it all. 

EEEEE! The Endor forest scenes were shot in Redwood forests near where I gre
w up, so the Ewoks were always one of my favorite parts.  The terrain was so familiar, it seemed like they really could exist.
(our nerd home)
I've been looking for a second hand globe for over a year, and this only solidifies that I need to find one.


This pattern got me thinking about what a baby Wookiee would look like and I concluded they would be similar to baby sloths-cue me looking at baby sloths on pinterest for an hour and a half.