Saturday, March 8, 2014

~*~*~eVeRyThInG aBoUt ThE MUSIC~*~*~ (now with working spotify list goddamn it)


   If I love anything, it’s a dress up day. A few months ago, I established a monthly “Dapper Friday” at work and surprisingly people have gone along with it. It’s kind of a personal goal to dress up more in everyday life, and having a place to actually wear stuff is great. As much as I love dapper days, I really love a theme day. A few weeks ago, I found an old sweatshirt I used to wear religiously in high school (and a few years after), and it sparked the idea to do a “High School” theme day. Granted, I’ve only been out of high school a short amount of time, the pinnacle of my pop-punk music fueled crabby teenage years were a decade ago. In gathering my outfit for work, I realized I gave away or otherwise decommissioned most of my angry youth clothes, but miraculously held onto a ton of the terrible black/Green Day themed jewelry.
    Essential to my daily wardrobe of the time was a band t shirt, black pants, black zippy hoodie, obscene number of ‘subversive’ buttons, too much jewelry, black eyeliner ON THE BOTTOM ONLY, and hair worn back. Band shirts were paramount, and that was the one thing I really got rid of. Some people can pull it off, but I can’t wear a graphic t-shirt any more. I had at least 20 Green Day t shirts at a high point of my teenage years (along with bags, jewelry, blankets, ect ect ect), but a few years back, I cut them all up and sewed them into a memory type quilt top. Nowadays, they serve me better in that form, but not when I’m trying to do a goddamn dress up day! I had to venture into ‘alternative’ paradise for UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS such as 16 year old me, Hot Topic (which, full disclosure, I used to work there during/after high school, and again briefly when I moved back to Eureka and just needed a job) for the first time in easily (probably more than) a year. It’s not 2004 anymore, I can tell you that.
      I decided to put together a playlist of songs from my terrible teenage years, both ones that I openly listened to, and those that I secretly listened to. In those years, I was a straight up asshole snob about music, and most of the stuff that I secretly liked, I’d rather die than let anyone know about. Thank god for the invention of headphones. So, pull out your original iPod the size of a deck of UNO cards, update your Myspace, wear your hood at all times, have general disdain for “preps”, and enjoy. But not too much.

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