Sunday, September 28, 2014

Style Challenge: Polka Dots + Animal Spots

Style Challenge: Polka Dots + Animal Spots

As bad photos continue to plague me (black and white background in an effort to distract from the stock room where these where hastily taken) , the Style challenge is winding to an end. There's only a few more days left in September, and even fewer challenge days left. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to prompts and trying to find ways to fill them while getting creative. For example, "Classic White Shirt" won't be done, because I don't have any white shirts... and nothing that I can fudge to make it work.  This day's challenge was a stretch. I don't have any thing with animal print (which is weird, because I used to. Somewhere along the line, those items got donated), so I went with my furry collar to stand in for the "animal print".

Self timer photos sloppily taken in the back room at work after dark are clearly not great. I need to get a better camera, as the phone is just not cutting it any more. I feel like it used to be a better camera than it is? How is that possible? Maybe it's just the self timer program.

cardigan: JC Penny
skirt: Lands End via Gwynnie Bee
belt: Forever 21+
hat: Forever 21 years and years ago
collar: vintage (probably 1960s), Red Fox Vintage, Portland

slightly dazed looking prison-like bathroom window selfie


  1. I love the blue with the collar and the polkadots on your dress. Cute hat too! I've never felt that I could pull those type of hats of properly. It looks great on you. Animal print is something I never really wear, nor fur, but I have to say I wouldn't mind a big faux leopard print coat!

    1. Thank you! I was always afraid of that style of hat too, until about a year ago. Now they're one of my favorites. I'm with you on the faux leopard coat- I've been searching for one for ages!
