Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Style Challenges: 2fer

Today's style challenge entry is actually two in one, because I'm lazy and what the hell.

Day Four: Pretty Pinks and Peaches

This day's theme was "Pretty Pinks and Peaches", so behold the only pink thing I own. If doing this challenge has taught me anything (that I may have already known) is that I actually have very little clothing in colors outside black, grey and dark blue. Eh, whatever.

sweater: Target like four years ago
skirt: Target like three years ago
top: men's shirt from Goodwill that I altered using this tutorial; originally from Target
shoes: Not Rated via Buffalo Exchange
beret: Forever21
exquisite slouched posture: my own creation

Day Five: The Flair is in the Hair

Ehhhh.  As you may or may not have noticed in the above photo, I had my bangs cut back in.

 It's been easily pushing ten years since I had straight across bangs, and several since I let my side styled ones grow out. I was getting tired of always wearing my front hair bobby pinned and sort of just went and did it.  I was hoping for them to be a lot longer, especially on the side... but they'll grow out in a bit. I forgot the reason that I started parting them on the side in the first place was to cover up the front of my hair which is rather thin. I'm sure no one notices it but me, but I feel like it looks like I'm losing my hair in the front area when it's not covered by the side part. Oh well! Now I'll remember for next time!

I took in these pictures of Cher and Marianne Faithful to demonstrate what I meant when I said longer bits on the side and she kind of did that, but not to the extent I wanted. Like I said, it'll work better when it grows out a bit.


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